by SiteAdminChaz
If you feel like you need to loosen your tongue during bedroom antics (and we mean speech, you’ve probably got the other type of tongue loosening covered), then we’ve got a few hot and sexy, but not too difficult to say phrases that will really get you and your partner going.
11:08 am Monday, 14th April, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Many women love it when their partners go down on them but when it comes to re-paying the favour they’re a little apprehensive due to the dreaded gag-reflex and trying to fend it off long enough to make their man come. Is there a way around this natural, involuntary response and giving a..
10:44 am Tuesday, 8th April, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Have you been scorned? Do you feel cheated? Does revenge sound right up your street? Well, put down those bunnies and hot water for we have 3 top ideas for getting back at your ex.
*please note this article is for entertainment purposes only. Moving on is always highly recommended...
10:21 am Tuesday, 1st April, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Does it sometimes feel a bit like Groundhog Day when it comes to your bedroom antics? Minimal foreplay, same positions, same predictable order, you know what’s coming. Here’s a few little things that you can try that take bare minimum effort, yet can make a world of..
4:32 pm Wednesday, 26th March, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
You love getting filthy from time to time but you want to keep that in one sense of the word and stay hygienic, clean and fresh. What little tools are there to maintain this state of cleanliness? We’ve provided you with a few handy little products that wont break the bank and will keep you..
4:26 pm Wednesday, 26th March, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, whilst this might be true to an extent, does this include long periods of time and distances between a couple? Should you meet a partner on the likes of a dating website, you may be lucky enough to find someone that’s perfect for you and nearby..
11:46 am Monday, 17th March, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Horny Housewives are the modern version of Greek goddesses, the only difference is that they are not just legends but are real women and not myths that you can meet online!i
h2The Horny Housewife Mythsh2
‘Aphrodite’, ‘Rhea’ and ‘Hera’ are famous Greek Goddesses who are legendary in..
11:30 am Friday, 7th March, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Scientists and governments are pouring more and more money, time and effort into sex-related studies than ever before, there isn’t half some strange research out there though!
The shape of a woman’s lips can have an effect on how easily she orgasms, how on Earth did they..
1:13 pm Monday, 3rd March, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Are you into your superstitions and believe love may be written in the stars? Want to attempt to find a match through your starsign and compatible others?
We may be able to help you we’ve compiled each starsign, their traits, who they’re best suited to as well as those to steer clear..
11:05 am Friday, 28th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Sex furniture can technically refer to anything which aids sex, so even your generic vibrator is a piece of sex furniture. What this article concerns however is items which enable people to move into awkward positions that they may not have been able to do without their use...
10:02 am Friday, 28th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Fancy giving your fella a real treat this weekend? How about giving him the sexiest dance he’s ever had? Read up on our pointers that will have you going from rookie lap dancer to seasoned grinder in no time!
h2Choose Your Tuneh2
First off, pick the right kind of song that’ll get..
1:27 pm Monday, 24th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
There’s a plethora of sexual-related information out there, some of it is scientifically proven facts, whereas a lot of it is total, utter poppycock! This mis-information has resulted in some sexual myths that are so widely circulated that many people believe them to be true. We’re gonna clear a..
10:31 am Friday, 21st February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Fancy a read that will ignite the fire in the groin that yearns for the sensual words of a sexually and poetically gifted writer? You’re in luck! We’ve got a little list that may excite you into grabbing your reading glasses, closing your bedroom for ultimate privacy and making sure your battery..
10:21 am Friday, 21st February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Winter’s creeped it’s way in and those scorching days where you ended up a flamboyant shade of pink because of having a snooze on the patio are long gone. So you plan on using a bit of nooky to keep you warm and entertained throughout the wintry months but when it comes to it, you just don’t feel..
12:19 pm Monday, 17th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
So many people love the feeling of liberation and power that temporarily forgetting themselves to adopt a domineering character which has complete sexual control of their submissive counterpart. Known by multiple names including Dominatrix or Mistress for women and Dominator or Master for male..
10:58 am Friday, 14th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Do you feel like a bit of a wallflower when it comes to your bedroom antics? Even the most seemingly confident people can turn into a trembling rabbit in the headlights when suddenly faced with a sexual scenario. The reason for this is because you at your most vulnerable when having sex, there’s..
10:52 am Friday, 14th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
If you’ve got your eye on a lovely lady in particular or you simply want to be beating the women off with sticks, here’s a few pointers for you to get lucky.
h2Seduction Technique - Eye Contacth2
Make your eyes meet across the room, don’t stare at her in the hopes she will notice..
11:56 am Monday, 10th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Girly Valentines Days can also be enjoyed by the fellas as we’ll show you, rose petals on her pillow and a night dining in a fancy establishment aren’t your only options. (They will help though!)
h2X Marks The Spoth2
It’s not just kids who appreciate a treasure hunt..Get her a few..
11:16 am Friday, 7th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Thinking of slipping into something a little more comfortable? Is your current underwear getting a bit boring and you fancy wearing something that’s gonna put a little more sizzle in your sausage? Check out some of the bad boys on this list and treat yourself to a brand new underwear..
10:49 am Friday, 7th February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
You’ve done all the hard work chatting up a nice lady or fella and now you’re on date number one, but how do you ensure there will even be a date number two?
h2First Impressions Last!h2
Within fifteen minutes a man will have decided whether or not he is going to see his date..
12:24 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
A married couple share everything, they share their finances, their home, their food and so on. What about one another however? Many couples nowadays choose to swap their spouse for another couple’s to mix things up a bit, this act is called wife swapping.
h2Twice As Niceh2
12:50 pm Friday, 31st January, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
So perhaps you’re in a long distance set-up or just want a new means of sexually interacting with your partner, we’ve got the need-to-know stuff on having great phone sex!
h2Slip Into Something..Comfortableh2
?It can be quite difficult to find the inspiration for what to say when..
12:27 pm Friday, 31st January, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
It doesn’t always have to be the fella doing the organising and surprising when it comes to special occasions! Challenge the cliche, gender-based convention that the bloke does all the work and create an awesome Valentines Day that neither of you will ever forget.
11:52 am Monday, 27th January, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Dolls aren’t just for little girls anymore, especially not this type of doll! Orders for these sex silicon replicas of the female (sometimes male) form are on the climb and don’t seem to be stopping!
h2Whatever Tickles Your Pickle!h2
These sex dolls aren’t just as you may imagine,..
12:33 pm Friday, 24th January, 2014
by SiteAdminChaz
Imagine going for a session with your therapist, they ask you to lie down on the couch, ask how you’re feeling and in what ways you want improve this. Then they get on top of your laid out body, undress you and have sex with you there on their office couch. Bit of a twist on the age old cliche..
2:17 pm Monday, 20th January, 2014