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Finding Your Perfect Sex Partner

by SiteAdminChaz

Don’t mess up your search for a sex partner by not being specific. Use advanced search features to your advantage to find the right adult for your sexual needs.i
Choosing sex partners isn’t a decision that you should take lightly. You should dedicate your time, effort and resources into..

10:25 am Monday, 2nd December, 2013

Silent Speed Dating

by SiteAdminChaz

This is what it sounds like and probably just as awkward. However, silent speed dating is on the rise and popping up everywhere. There are different terms for it including ‘Ssh Dating” and ‘Eye Gazing Parties’, apparently there is even now such a thing as ‘Silent Disco Speed Dating’..hmmn we’ll..

12:29 pm Friday, 29th November, 2013

What Roleplay Character Are You?

by SiteAdminChaz

No matter what your daily role is, sometimes it can become a little monotonous and a small amount of time pretending to be someone else can be rather refreshing. Who do you want to be though?

h2Student and Teacherh2

Perhaps you are the stern teacher brandishing some form of slipper or..

11:48 am Friday, 29th November, 2013

Recession Busting Date Ideas

by SiteAdminChaz

If the recession is taking its’ toll on you and corners need to be cut in all areas to make ends meet, including your life then don’t despair. There are many things aside from dining in fancy schmancy restaurants you can do that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

h2Can Cook, Will..

4:50 pm Wednesday, 27th November, 2013

Getting Anal Right

by SiteAdminChaz

Such a taboo subject, if you’re curious though and want to attempt it you will need to be very much prepared. Most of what’s involved with anal is preparation and communication, so, a few things you’re gonna need to take into consideration.


Lubrication is obviously extremely..

4:37 pm Wednesday, 27th November, 2013

Alternative Sub Genres of Porn

by SiteAdminChaz

You think you’ve seen the lot, all the dirtiest and most obscene types of porn there is to see, got the t-shirt and maybe even bought some shares you know the porn landscape so well. There may however be a few you haven’t stumbled across yet, or you have heard of but haven’t got round to watching..

10:23 am Monday, 25th November, 2013

Erogenous Zones

by SiteAdminChaz

Think it’s only touch to the nipples, genitals and lips that can get you and your partner off?
You’d be wrong, there’s a few erogenous areas you probably wouldn’t have expected to be used in a passionate situation but can work a treat at heightening your pleasure experience.


10:05 am Monday, 25th November, 2013

How To Make Your Girl Feel Special (written by a girl)

by SiteAdminChaz

If you’re wondering how you can show your lady exactly how you feel but just can’t muster the inspiration, then here’s a few must do’s to let her know she’s the most amazing woman in the world.


This may sound fairly obvious, a kiss on the lips is a staple of a relationship...

3:09 pm Friday, 22nd November, 2013

How To Dominate Your Submissive

by SiteAdminChaz

Dominance is not just a type of power over someone else during the odd, kinky, sexual encounter, or it can be, but for some it’s a way of life. The dominant of a BDSM couple will usually be referred to as ‘Master’ when being spoken to by their sex slaves. It all sounds so tyrannical and..

2:56 pm Friday, 22nd November, 2013

Things You Should Never Say In Bed

by SiteAdminChaz

Are you stumped for what to say in bed? Or do you speak before you think? Read this before you end up with a slapped face and empty bed.

h2Don’t Pick Up The Phone, Full Stoph2

Picking up the phone whilst supposedly in the throes of passion is bad enough but you could answer your call..

1:31 pm Wednesday, 20th November, 2013

Rope Bondage Positions

by SiteAdminChaz

Just like sex positions there are many bondage positions that you can try out. There are the easy ones where you won’t need any equipment, moderate poses where you require leather straps and the advanced ones where you’ll need extensive training in the art of Japanese rope bondage. Read on to..

1:12 pm Wednesday, 20th November, 2013

Get The Most Out Of Your Sex Life

by SiteAdminChaz

Does your sex life feel a bit like groundhog day? You’ve been there and done it numerous times before and you’re suffering from deja vu at the mere mention of your bedroom.
There’s lots of little ways to break up routine and mix things up a bit.


Notice how the random,..

12:46 pm Monday, 18th November, 2013

Erotic Massages, Sound Like Your Thing?

by SiteAdminChaz

There are numerous types of massage involving different parts of the body, you have your Indian Head massage, aromatherapy massage that usually targets the high traffic muscles or lymphatic massage that involves the neck and armpits. There is a sub genre of massage not so well known however, not..

12:33 pm Monday, 18th November, 2013

Strange Bodily Fetishes

by SiteAdminChaz

We all have things which we like and don’t, it’s each to their own after all. We exchange bodily fluids all the time when we kiss our partners or have sex, even by just holding their hand you will swap dead skin cells unseen to the naked eye. These little trades are considered normal, yet there..

11:20 am Friday, 15th November, 2013

Finding Yourself A Dirty Milf

by SiteAdminChaz

If you’ve got a hankering for an older, more experienced, yet hot lady, but don’t know where to start finding one. Or maybe you’ve netted one and now you need to know what’s next then read up on our filthy milf guide.

h2Finding A Filthy Milfh2

If you’re also a single father, then you..

11:11 am Friday, 15th November, 2013

Seduction Techniques For Women

by SiteAdminChaz

If you’re stumped as how to get the attention of that bit of hot stuff you ogle pumping iron every morning at the gym or the fittie that you see in your favourite wine bar of a weekend, we’re here to save the day!

h2Seduction Technique - The Lookh2

Hold their gaze for a second or two..

3:23 pm Wednesday, 13th November, 2013

How To Be The Best Submissive You Can Be

by SiteAdminChaz

If you’re thinking of entering a submissive dominating relationship as a submissive or are already within one and just want to better your submissive skills, read on. In this article we will discuss what it takes to be a great meek, obedient partner and how you can improve yourself.


3:13 pm Wednesday, 13th November, 2013

Swinging And Gay Dating Symbols

by SiteAdminChaz

How do people of same sex perferation and swingers identify other people like them? Here’s a few techniques and symbols that are used to identify one another.

h2Swinger bracelets and badgesh2

There is such a thing as special jewelry that swingers can buy to alert others to their..

12:56 pm Monday, 11th November, 2013

Sex For The First Time With A Partner

by SiteAdminChaz

If you’ve met someone and are wondering when’s the right time to go in for the kill, do the deed and still ensure that you keep any spark that you may share in tact, then take a read of this article specifically written for people in a situation like you not sure of what or rather when’s for the..

12:42 pm Monday, 11th November, 2013

Top Female Porn Stars

by SiteAdminChaz

There are many female big shots in the porn industry, but we’ve narrowed it down to the cream of the crop.

h2Kayden Krossh2

Kayden is a sexy lady of Swedish ancestry and has made many appearances in avenues of media aside from starring in porn movies including television programs, radio..

11:09 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013

Keeping The Honeymoon Period Alive And Reigniting The Spark In Your Relationship

by SiteAdminChaz

If you and your lover are feeling the post honeymoon period blues or you are currently enjoying that amazing first semester of a relationship and don’t want it to end any time soon, you’ve gotta revive and keep the magic alive. This takes time and effort, however it will be well worth it when you..

11:00 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013

outdoor fun, Planning Your Meet

by SiteAdminChaz

The outdoor fun lifestyle can do wonders for couples sex life and expose your partner to a different side of you.i

Some believe that outdoor fun is a cat and mouse game where voyagers keep chasing exhibitionists in public places like car parks and lay bays. This assumption is wrong. For the..

10:01 am Monday, 4th November, 2013

Original Date Ideas

by SiteAdminChaz

The usual routine of movie nights and long walks in the park can get pretty tedious. For those of you wanting to ignite your date with a bit of fire then why not give these date ideas a shot.

h2Get Gamblingh2

Fancy the thrill of the casino? Not you’re turn to pay? Then you’re going to..

9:49 am Monday, 4th November, 2013

Lies You Should Tell Your Other Half

by SiteAdminChaz

We all know the infamous question that is universally dreaded by males the world round... “Does my bum look big in this?” In a man’s head upon receiving such question in his mind he flaps around like a spider on skates, but in reality he has to give a cool, collected answer. What if her bum does..

2:42 pm Friday, 1st November, 2013

Cool And Inventive Sex Toys

by SiteAdminChaz

The vibrator...pfft. Lube....pffft. But pluggs....pffft. There’s a long list of common, boring, and dare I say complacent sex toys that may well have seen the light of day.

Here’s the issue: the standard vibrator may need to move out of the way, lube may well need to up-it’s game, and the..

2:10 pm Friday, 1st November, 2013