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Erogenous Zones

10:05 am Monday, 25th November, 2013

Think it’s only touch to the nipples, genitals and lips that can get you and your partner off?
You’d be wrong, there’s a few erogenous areas you probably wouldn’t have expected to be used in a passionate situation but can work a treat at heightening your pleasure experience.

The Neck

Lightly tracing your fingers around the nape of your partner’s neck will increase their arousal and heighten their senses as it’s such a fragile and sensitive area. Use your lips to lightly kiss their neck starting from under the ears, down under their chin and to the adam’s apple to drive them wild.

The Eyelids

Tenderly press your lips against their eyelids and stroke the delicate area around their eyes. With their sense of sight temporarily out of order, their senses are heightened and a lot of bond-making trust is being granted to you from your partner as you’re in complete control of the situation.

The Ears

This part of the body has mixed reviews from people, test out your partner’s opinion by using your thumb and index finger to lightly massage the flesh that joins the earlobe to their head. Then gently, using your tongue follow the outside of their ear and whisper naughty things into it.

The Feet

The tootsies are actually a rather infamous erogenous zone, a nice massage will increase enjoyability and depending on how adventurous your feeling and also how clean your partner is, licking and sucking the toes can be a very sensual experience.

The Inner Thigh

As the inside of the thigh is so close to the genitals, it is no doubt laced with nerve endings so gentle touches to this area prior to sex will drive your partner crazy.

Try and mix up your foreplay a bit tonight, by using one or more of these erogenous zones as opposed to the predictable areas you would ordinarily employ as part of your sexual routine and see what wonders you can work!

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