3:23 pm Wednesday, 13th November, 2013
If you’re stumped as how to get the attention of that bit of hot stuff you ogle pumping iron every morning at the gym or the fittie that you see in your favourite wine bar of a weekend, we’re here to save the day!
Seduction Technique - The Look
Hold their gaze for a second or two longer than you would the average person, eye contact is the big cheese of flirty body language. If he returns your prolonged look back, chances are he’s dead into you.
Seduction Technique - The Setting
Atmosphere and surroundings can aid you in your flirting quest, if you’re in a busy environment such as a pub or club, if you can try and get ‘hot stuff’ to yourself and in a more relaxed environment where you can hear yourselves. Screeching, “ what did you say??” down their ear as you’re conveniently sat next to the DJ speakers that are jumping to the progressive house they’re playing with an impossible level of volume isn’t really that sexy.
Seduction Technique - Clothing
Wear something that makes you feel like you’re worth this week’s rollover on the lottery as the confidence will radiate from you and make you so much more attractive to your hottie.
Seduction Technique - Compliment
Try give him compliments, depending on how brave you are you could just go with “that shirt’s great, it really suits you” or “that shirt’s really sexy on you, just feel those big, strong arms in it”.
Seduction Technique - Body Language
Unspoken flirting aka body language is the best way to get your message across and figure out whether or not he’s into you too. Mirrored actions, a gradual, sparkling smile and turning yourself to face him whilst keeping your body open from your arms all suggest to him that you fancy a piece of him.
We hope you can gain some valuable man-pulling potential from this article and just remember being sexy is not about looks, it’s a way of being, follow these tips and we’re sure Oxford will be putting your picture in the dictionary next to ‘sexy’ sooner rather than later.