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Handy First Date Pointers

12:24 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

You’ve done all the hard work chatting up a nice lady or fella and now you’re on date number one, but how do you ensure there will even be a date number two?

First Impressions Last!

Within fifteen minutes a man will have decided whether or not he is going to see his date further, with women allowing up to 60 minutes before they making their minds up so it’s rather important that you get it right sooner rather than later. No pressure!

Keep Smiling

The most important thing when on a first date is to keep optimistic and positive. Put any fears and negativity to the back of your mind and try to enjoy yourself rather than beat yourself up with an adverse attitude, after all they’re probably just as nervous as you! Whatever you do, never mention an ex or any issues that you may currently have as it will most likely send them running for the hills.

If Necessary, Hit The Redbull!

Pay attention to what they tell you and re-work it into conversation as you ask questions if possible. They will be ecstatic that you genuinely listened to what they were saying and are now asking them more details on their subject of conversation. Also, no matter how tired you may be, try your best to come across as alert and interested. You don’t want to risk insulting them because they think you’re bored or being ignorant.

Too Sexy Too Soon

An infamous cardinal sin is sex on the first date, for this reason it’s best to avoid drinking too much on your date. One or two is fine but know your limit, you don’t want to mar potentially something special before it’s barely begun. That’s not to say if you do end up in bed together that you wont make it work following, generally however many people consider it awkward and an anti-climax getting down and dirty with someone before getting to know them.

Groomed to Perfection

Make an effort to look presentable and clean, within reason. There’s no need to go getting all glamorous and glitzy but don’t look too shabby either. Coming across as tidy and hygienic is all you need, after all you wouldn’t want your date feeling under or over dressed.

So the bottom line: be yourself which is very sexy, smile and enjoy your date no matter what the outcome.

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