10:52 am Friday, 14th February, 2014
Do you feel like a bit of a wallflower when it comes to your bedroom antics? Even the most seemingly confident people can turn into a trembling rabbit in the headlights when suddenly faced with a sexual scenario. The reason for this is because you at your most vulnerable when having sex, there’s no clothing to hide behind, you can be entering some rather unflattering and undignified positions and let’s not forget the orgasm face! Most of all however, in the many peoples’ minds will be the thoughts; am I really pleasing them or are they just faking? Am I good enough?
Get To Know Yourself A Bit Better
Getting to know your body can help boost confidence in your sexual abilities massively. If you know what gets you going then you can aide your partner in getting it right as well. This will hugely improve their performance as you’ve just give their confidence a foot-up and make them feel great if they feel like they’ve given you an amazingly fantastic orgasm all with a little guidance from you!
What Makes You Feel Sexy?
Dress up, get into character and just do whatever makes you feel red hot. They may not notice the change in your lingerie or the new sensual fragrance you’re smothered in but they’re going to definitely notice the difference in you if you feel good about yourself because of something so simple!
Make Your Second Nature, First Nature!
Whether or not you feel sexy, act it, both in and out of your bed! At first it may feel forced and difficult to upkeep, however the more you act a certain way, the more it will become natural to you. It’ll eventually become your second nature as your day to day newly confident persona is built up, getting between the sheets and becoming a sexual god/goddess will be no skin off your nose. In fact you’ll probably hardly break a sweat, well about the confidence in your abilities anyway, if you’re doing a good job you will be sweating like mad!
There’s A Dirty Alternate You, Trying To Get Out
It’s always good to engross yourself in naughty content to gain inspiration for dirty talk, sex moves or even just to corrupt your mind a little and drag it out of the nunnery and into the gutter. Read some filthy novels or get viewing some x-rated flicks, when you get your partner in the sack after reading a little bit of Fifty Shades of Grey, they’re going to be amazed at your sudden vivaciously steamy vocabulary and kinky bright ideas!
So, you don’t need a medical aberration for a penis or more plastic in your boobs than your local Toys ‘r’ Us to feel like a porn star. It’s as simple as following these sound-proof tips!