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Bizarre Sex Studies

1:13 pm Monday, 3rd March, 2014

Scientists and governments are pouring more and more money, time and effort into sex-related studies than ever before, there isn’t half some strange research out there though!


The shape of a woman’s lips can have an effect on how easily she orgasms, how on Earth did they find that one out we here you ask? We’re just as baffled! According to scientists it comes down to way back in time when she still a fetus developing in her mother’s womb, the shape that her tubercle (the space in the center of her upper lip) has formed into can have a knock on effect on her orgasmic abilities due to the two being linked by neutral circuits.

Frisky Festivities

According to American studies, people have more sex during December than any other month with it boasting the highest conception rates over the rest of the year. Over double the amount of condoms are sold the week before Christmas than the first week of January, indicating people are staying in, cuddling up and getting randy. The drop in numbers for the new year may also have something to do with the end of people’s hols off work but either way there’s no doubt that the festive time brings plenty of sex!

Lady In Red

A UK study has proved that men really do prefer red on a woman, they showed a large group of men the same picture of a woman, but in different hues of clothing. They were then asked how much they would spend on this woman should they take her on a date, the image of the woman wearing red was overall rated more attractive and the men stated they would spend considerable amounts of money more on her than her less vibrant counterparts. It seems as though nature is coming into play again, as our primate cousins are attracted to females that display a shade of rouge. Good ol’ mother nature it seems has kept that one for our evolution as well as our ape buddies.

These are only a few of the thousands of new results that come out on a daily basis with more and more intriguing findings

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