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48 hours in bondage part thirty nine

did you know i would be fucked and licked teased and tormented ...of course you did thats why i am here.......i glance to each side of me and see no one stood there...... as i look up i see the two younger guys sat each side of the older one in the front row of seats ...i'm all alone now..

9:09 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty eight

back along the corridoor to yet another room i have never been in ...........this room is full of chairs.....apprehensively i look around the room ... neatly set out there is a clear area in the middle of the room ...spotlights shine on the centre of the room ....the only lighting in there...i am..

9:05 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty seven

taking me through what appears to be an old kitchen at the door they push me outside into the yard ....its cold outside making my nipples harden instantly ..they twist and pull on them and slap my ass as hard as possible they circle round me skin reddens but i bite my lip as..

9:03 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty six

as daylight breaks i wake feeling sore and dirty yet again i try to move .......every bone in my body hurts ......... a little relieved as i know i only have to last till tonight to get through the 48 hours ..its eerily quiet ...........then i hear footsteps outside the door ..........stopping..

9:02 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty five

leave her there till morning " the older man says as he walks away ....... the two other men walk naked from the room.... as the door closes i hear a lock turn in the imprisoned in the room till morning and lay there too tired to move not caring that im covered in cum..

8:55 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty four

"you may stand now but keep your hands behind your back as you do "...i have no assistance to do this as he has let go of my pony tail ..i slowly stand my legs are like jelly and feel like they dont belong to me feels impossible to stand without swaying .." move your legs apart again and..

8:54 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty three

he is wanking his cock now faster and faster barking orders at me ...." do not move or close your mouth ......stick your tongue right out ." ...." do not swallow .......hold it on your tongue when i cum ".................shallow breathing and his moans fill the room........ echoing around as he..

8:49 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty two

a voice from the darkness says "place your hands behind your back and move your legs apart............then crouch down and hold that position ".......i do as i am told legs shaky as i lower my body to the position he has chosen ........out of the darkness walks man number three..

8:48 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty one

im left laid on the bed for what seems quite a long time....... but by now i have no real perception of the proper time of day or night .........the disorientation is taking over ...night became day and has become night again .....i hear the sound of the door opening......... i shrink back into..

8:46 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part thirty

the daylight starts to wane through the window as dusk and then complete darkness falls .....i should be relieved that they will stop soon as evening has fallen but i dread the night ahead ....they suddenly stop the assault on my body and are undoing the scarves round my ankles legs..

8:44 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty nine

as i am fucked in the ass i have a thick throbbing cock thrust down my throat ..........simultaneoulsly they fuck both ends of my body mind has taken me past the pain and the only sensation i feel now is pleasure .......i can't hold back my orgasm as it screams through my body making me..

8:42 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty eight

get away from her ...NOW."........a loud strong voice rings through the room as they jump from the bed their cocks flacidly swinging between their legs dripping with cum ....i lay motionless .............terrified he will take his anger out on me .........see me as responsible for their actions..

8:39 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty seven

i lie in anticipation waiting for his tongue to make contact with my wet pussy..but nothing wonderful feeling as the heat of a tongue makes contact with the wetness of my pussy lips... my body tenses as i feel a vibration near my ass ... an hard plastic object pushing and probing the tight..

10:15 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty six

they each take a hold of an ankle....i try to feebly kick out but as i have very little strength left in my legs its to no avail .............. i assume they are going to do the same with them as with my arms scarves are wrapped around my ankles and my legs are pulled open ..wider and..

10:12 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty five

i sleep fitfully..... when i wake at first i cannot understand why i can't move properly and then the events of the last evening come back to me ...what i first believed and hoped was a dream was real happened .....someone opening the door of the room is what has disturbed me..

10:10 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty four

i sleep fitfully..... when i wake at first i cannot understand why i can't move properly and then the events of the last evening come back to me ...what i first believed and hoped was a dream was real happened .....someone opening the door of the room is what has disturbed me..

10:07 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty three

i try to work out what time of night it is as i hear the door open and close behind them .....i had noticed a peep hole in the door previously and guess that they are watching knowing my discomfort ....i try not to think of them watching..... stroking themselves as they witness my anguish ...i..

10:04 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty two

as he pulls his cock out and moves away from my face i can still hear grunting and groaning .....animal like noises of pleasure ..and i am suddenly aware that they all intend to come down my throat ....i try to struggle but its impossible....the leash is a short one and restricts any movement..

9:17 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty one

as i have refused to open my mouth willingly they resort to another means to make me open it of them crouches totally naked before me holding a clear cylindrical object holds my head back by my hair as he stands behind me tightening his grip .and the third man kneels in front of me..

9:14 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part twenty

i feel the tenseness in my arms subside and am aware im being unchained body drops to the floor in a crushed heap my legs splayed apart .............every limb and muscle in my body aches beyond belief ...but before i can gather my senses they are undoing the manacles round my..

9:10 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part nineteen

tears run down my face when realisation hits me that they are going to force me to betray you against my body tenses as he fucks me relentlessly...... praying for it to be he pulls out of me relief runs through me....his weight lifting from my body .....a short respite as..

9:07 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part eighteen

my body has a habit of betraying me when my pussy is played with added to that the feeling of being filled in my ass pushing me closer and closer to orgasm ......i can feel the heat from my pussy running through my body .........gasping sounds in my throat no sound coming from my lips as the..

9:03 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part seventeen

i feel a hand on my hips dragging me back roughly and holding me by my hips in this position .... further stretching my arms above my head almost to breaking point ...this is a position i am familiar with but not to this extreme you have many times requested i practise..but i wasn't aware..

8:56 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part sixteen

i can hear his footsteps behind me and suddenly feel an apprehension much stronger than before .......... both my wrists are grabbed by one of them from either side as they manouvere me around to face towards the third man again ......... as he moves away from the wall i see two iron rings..

3:20 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009


48 hours in bondage part fifteen

i feel the hard braided leather of a thin whip run up my leg against damp nylon ......... moving further up my body tracing the outline of my coat ... glancing over my pulsating cleavage and stopping under my chin....... pushing my chin up with the whip my face comes in line with my older..

3:18 pm Monday, 20th April, 2009
