the daylight starts to wane through the window as dusk and then complete darkness falls .....i should be relieved that they will stop soon as evening has fallen but i dread the night ahead ....they suddenly stop the assault on my body and are undoing the scarves round my ankles legs fall to the bed like lead weights....aching beyond anything imaginable ..........they walk from the room leaving me laying on the cum soaked bed........ tied down by my wrists totally immobile ....feeling filthy and i lay there i feel the bed beneath me getting warmer and wetter and disgust engulfs me as i realise my bladder has emptied itself yet again......showing i have no control over my body at all ...........i lay whimpering on the bed quietly pleading for this to be over
i lay catching my breath ....... my body rising and falling as i recall the events of a long long day...... cock after cock ..cum everywhere .....but what im beginning to realise is im here to learn what these positions are for and why it is so important to you i learn to do them to the perfection you expect from me...........a harsh way to teach me a lesson but one you know i will never forget
after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309