Home > Blogs > slaveandhersir > after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 13/03/09 > Blog Post

48 hours in bondage part twenty nine

8:42 am Tuesday, 21st April, 2009

as i am fucked in the ass i have a thick throbbing cock thrust down my throat ..........simultaneoulsly they fuck both ends of my body ....my mind has taken me past the pain and the only sensation i feel now is pleasure .......i can't hold back my orgasm as it screams through my body making me writhe and gasp ......... making me buck against the guy fucking my ass.......they suddenly stop fucking me ..........pulling out of my ass and mouth together .......
" you were forbidden to come little miss .....you will need to be punished"....i recoil from the use of your name for me ..............the dark haired guy climbs from the bed and walks away ....the blonde guy follows him ....i'm left lying there too scared to speak as i remember parts of the previous evening ...seconds later they return........ one grabs my tits forcibly squeezing them ...bruising them .....making my nipples harden ...my piercings tighten....as my nipples stiffen he applies the clamps again making me scream out in pain at the same time as a thick leather belt makes contact with the back of my thighs ......stinging as it smacks against the soft flesh ...causing all sorts of reactions ...........i love the feeling of leather against my skin .......the pain it inflicts as its imprinted on my skin ..the instant wetness it causes in my pussy as heat radiates through my skin..... they are making me scream out continously from the pain of the clamps and the belt as one of them thrashes me and the other puts pressure on the already tight clamps.........this goes on for a very long time both of them alternating between fucking my ass mouth or pussy and whipping my body watching whelts appear on my skin..... culminating in them coming on my body when they have used every orifice available to them ....... rubbing it into the sores created by the belt ......as i wince in pain ....to the point im almost passing out with the pain ...i can't remember where i am and am struggling to even know who i am now .........one hour has merged into another a fog of pain and pleasure ....my cries stopped a long while ago replaced by whimpers at each stroke or thrust......my body wilting under the constant pressure of my legs being suspended ......of the sheer exhaustion my body is experiencing .....

Blog Introduction

after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309

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