get away from her ...NOW."........a loud strong voice rings through the room as they jump from the bed their cocks flacidly swinging between their legs dripping with cum ....i lay motionless .............terrified he will take his anger out on me .........see me as responsible for their actions ..........the pit of my stomach churns ........the older man is totally naked and holding his erection in his hand ...........approaching the bed.......taking up a position between my legs he forcefully takes my pussy.......... pushing against my suspended legs fucking me hard and deep ........exerting constant pressure on the backs of my thighs as he leans against my legs for support as he uses my body .....thrusting into me grunting loudly groaning his pleasure only lasts for a few minutes but feels like a lot longer as each thrust causes me more pain ........i feel his cock pumping into me as my pussy fills with a warm wet liquid....his body in spasms as he empties himself into me...........he leans back pulling out of me ......he is satisfied for now ..he walks away from the bed leaving me with cum running from my pussy onto the bed and turns to the two guys watching ..............."keep her suspended like this for the rest of the day...... this evening you may release her legs ....... tonight she has yet more lessons to learn may use her cunt and ass as you see fit till i return " he walks away one guy sits at my head with his cock in his hand again as the second one places himself between my suspended legs ......forcing his cock into my ass ....
after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309