a voice from the darkness says "place your hands behind your back and move your legs apart............then crouch down and hold that position ".......i do as i am told ...........my legs shaky as i lower my body to the position he has chosen ........out of the darkness walks man number three who's face i have barely seen ......an older man than the other two........ late thirties with a tanned strong body totally naked in front of me ...... my mouth positioned at his crotch height as he stands inches from my mouth ........."open your mouth and keep it open "...................this time i do as i am told and as he takes his semi hard cock in his hand and starts to wank im aware of a hand reaching under my ass from behind me and touching my clit .......... rubbing gently as my legs start to shake even more......" concentrate on my cock little miss not on your pleasure ...if you try to orgasm or come close your pleasure will be taken away from you ".......so hard to concentrate as a finger slides into my wet pussy....as his thumb never leaves my clit ....circling it ....flicking at it ....... but i focus on the rythm he is building as he strokes the shaft of his cock...... trying to not think about the aches in my legs ...how every muscle is stretched now to its limits.......his cock is hardening before my eyes dripping precum in front of my face .........."do you want it?....."....my voice is hoarse barely a whisper as i say .."yes please"..he steps forward ."open your mouth and stick out your tongue for me "............again without faltering i do as i am told ...
after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309