im left laid on the bed for what seems quite a long time....... but by now i have no real perception of the proper time of day or night .........the disorientation is taking over ...night became day and has become night again .....i hear the sound of the door opening......... i shrink back into the mattress afraid of whats to come....... but to my amazement the two men untie my bonds quite gently...... releasing me from the bed and lift me to a sitting position me time for my body to adjust to being free again .. guiding me from the bed to the door and through into a hallway into a bathroom where a hot bath has been run .......undressing me of what little clothing still remains on my body they help me into the bath .........soaking my body with hot water ........washing away the grime and dust .the aroma of cum and sweat and urine dispersing in the water ........ making me feel fresh and partially alive again ..the aches and pains subsiding slowly as i lay immersed in the hot water ....after a short while they lift me from the bath and wrap me in soft warm towels........ lulling me into a sense of safety and security ...towelling me dry in all my intimate places ........hands resting for a few seconds in places they had touched earlier ..........memories of their hard cocks and lithe bodies come to mind .....but they have one focus and that is to make me presentable for the evening not to touch me or please themselves with my body.......once i am dried i am taken to a long room along the hallway and made to stand naked in the centre of the room ...........i probably feel more vulnerable and alone now than i have in the last 24 hours...........
every part of my being needs you now ........for the sense of security your presence gives me.........
after over half a year of having this profile and due to sir leaving the uk i have had to say a fond but sad goodbye to him and all this profile relates to UPDATE 130309