Hello once again ladies and gents! Welcome back to possibly the dullest blog you will read today! The subject for today? Well it's in the title of course. As you may or may not know, I am very new to..
10 commentsHi everyone and happy Friday! Welcome once again to the dullest blog you'll ever read on this site!
Our topic is pics!! I'm seeing more avatars then pics lately and I have ask myself why? The general..
Hello ladies and gents! Welcome back to possibly the dullest blog you'll ever read. Today's topic is subsslaves. The reason I bring this up is because I was talking with a very nice woman today who..
14 commentsHello ladies and gents, welcome to possibly the dullest blog you'll ever read.
I'm just curious to know how many of you out there have had successful meet ups on this site. I get tons of messages,..
Welcome everyone to the newest and possibly dullest blog you may ever read. First a little about myself and I'll just come right out and say it. I have a foot tickling fetish. I've had it for as long..