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Maybe I Give too Much

4:57 am Monday, 15th June, 2020

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome back to possibly the dullest blog you'll ever read. Today's topic is subs/slaves. The reason I bring this up is because I was talking with a very nice woman today who was the Dom. 
Now I've seen plenty of profiles here and noticed that a lot of you preferred the dominant role. Now I never considered myself a submissive person until I looked back on my previous relationships and I discovered a very interesting fact about myself that never occurred to me until today.
I have always been the sub. Regardless of the situation, whether it was in the bedroom or not, I was always the one who gave without thinking about it. I never expected a reward or praise or even a thank you. Why? Because that's what a partnership is in my eyes. When your significant other needed help, you dropped whatever it was you were doing and you went to help, regardless of the time of day or what you would have to sacrifice. You loved them and you were going to be there for them no matter what. That's who I am and its what I do. Its what I've always done. 
But today I realized that even though I always put them first, I was seldom if ever first for them.
Sad right? That everything you did for someone in the long run didn't mean anything to the other person. Sure they acted grateful and said you were the best, but they never SHOWED it, only said it and when it was your turn...well, you get the idea.
Now I didn't tell this story to gain pity or for you to feel sorry for me because believe me, I'm beyond caring about them or how they behaved anymore. I forgave them and moved on. 
The reason I'm telling you this (and this is mainly for the guys) is because maybe it's not so bad being the sub if you're with the right person. If they truly appreciate what you do for them they will SHOW it and not just say it. 
The point is folks, is that if you have a big heart and you feel like you give too much, don't change who you are. I've said countless times to myself, that I would be more of an ass to people and keep my guard up at all times. But let's face it givers, that's just not who we are. It's OK to give too much if you're given the respect and love that EVERYONE on God's earth deserves. So even if you feel you're the one who should change, I say don't. Because you can't change who you really are anyway. I would say just be more careful about who you give too much to.
Thanks for reading you guys and I'll see you in the next one. 🙂

4:25 am Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

Actually couldn't have put it any better my friend!

3:30 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

Definitely can relate to this. When I try not being nice I feel bad and end up being even nicer lol 

3:32 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

You get used to it after awhile, or you just get used.

3:46 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

I can relate to everything you said pal but I will not give up there is always hope and believe me there are times I just wanted to give up but I never did and I never will all I can say is keep on trying sooner or later you will meet the right person that you're meant to be with I believe that and I always have and I'll never stop thank you for sharing

4:50 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

I started asking.  Surprised, I got some of what I wanted... whole new world.

5:04 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

I can relate like many others. I too carry hope for the future, that is why I am here. 

5:37 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

yep, yep, yep! touché. 

5:55 pm Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020

Ur observationacknowledgement is spot on. Givers do get hurt more but I 2 believe when your with the right person, things click & both parties are happy. You just have to locate your unicorn, which is easier  said then done.

3:39 pm Wednesday, 24th June, 2020

Agree with your comments, as in same role, or mind set

2:17 am Wednesday, 7th April, 2021

F**** amazing brightness.. thank you!! 🤗 

5:21 am Monday, 24th May, 2021

A Dom is not supposed to change who you are...Who you are is probably why they were attracted in the first place.

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