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I do not like the weather in the UK. Official.

I do not like the weather in the UK, I am in Swansea until Wednesday, and it is cold as a witches tit, it is raining, that drizzley lazy stuff that goes right through your clothes because it is too idle to run off them. I really want to be back home in Spain. img src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif" ..

6:35 pm Monday, 19th November, 2012


blindfolded and blushing

There i was lying completely naked on the bed with arms up round my head and a blind-fold on, i felt very exposed and wondered if she was laughing at me lying there or staring disgustedly at my body or worse, then also the feelings of helplessness, wonder, excitement,fear,apprehension and mainly..

1:05 pm Monday, 19th November, 2012


Olga Part 3: The G for Goddess-Spot & the Ancient Russian-Tibetan Art of Making Love

From touching and kissing Olga’s inner thighs, the most sensual tease, I proceed to kiss and lick her long beautiful legs. I sucked whilst licking left and right different inner parts of her calves, and up and down her thighs in long movements…all the way to her clit.

Her pussy was wet and juicy...

9:03 pm Sunday, 18th November, 2012


Olga Part 2 & The 10 Erogenous Zones of Women

There is a Chinese saying that literally says “eat your way up”. Or English proverb is “hit while the iron is hot”.

NO, I reminded myself to resist eating her first. So instead I stood up and pulled her towards my chest. I gave her an assuring but non-threatening full body hug. I felt her soft..

7:50 pm Sunday, 18th November, 2012


The Big Long Dick Debate

You miss the main point: It is not what you HAVE but what you DO with it that matters
(according to the Kama Sutra, the most ancient Indian sex manual).

Just like you don't need a big long tongue to give the best oral sex, it's all about what you DO with it.

You can laugh at my normal..

5:01 pm Sunday, 18th November, 2012



The look on his face as he slid impossibly hard cock between my lips only served to heighten my own enjoyment one thousand times over. I loved the feel of my lips wrapped around his rigid cock more than anything else in the world, save for that look. It was a look that betrayed his intense..

1:52 pm Sunday, 18th November, 2012


SEX IN THE KEY OF 'G'...................................

Silence filled the house like an unseen presence as the moonlight filtered through the windows and cast odd shadows on the walls and furniture. An old grandfather clock in the hallway ticked away the remaining minutes of the night and the hum of a ceiling fan made the stillness seem not so..

1:27 pm Sunday, 18th November, 2012


woman 22 through 34 wanted for mff meet up

So we're back from fun naughty times in Amsterdam... had a great hook up where I watched a beautiful woman use a double ended dildo on my incredible woman's pussy. I watched and caressed her nipples and ran my hands over her until intimately until she climaxed. Then, it was missys turn to watch. As..

8:35 am Sunday, 18th November, 2012


Long Big Cocks are Over-Rated by Both Sexes

The G-Spot is only ONE TO THREE INCHES into the vagina. Therefore, surprise, surprise a short or medium size penis can easily give the female more pleasure compared to a long penis that will over-shoot pass the G-Spot.

Why? Because it is the Corona (the enlarged crown at the tip of the penis)..

3:43 am Sunday, 18th November, 2012


Her Ring Rang Roo.............

As I was walking down the street,
A fair young maid I chanced to meet,
She said "young man, how do you do,
Would you like to play with my ring rang roo,

"Oh your ring rang roo, now what is that?"
"It's soft and dark, like a pussy cat,
With hairs all round, and split in two,
Thats what I call my..

1:07 am Sunday, 18th November, 2012


Bionic Fred ( I am not the author)

Bionic Fred

Now, this is the story of young Freddie Bloor
Whose sexual Equipment got jammed in the door,
By the time they had freed him he didn't feel well
For his poor private parts were all mangled to hell.

They rushed him to hospital, the ambulance flew
But, when they arrived there..

1:00 am Sunday, 18th November, 2012


fate, destiny, love and luck are they connected?

my heart pounded everytime i thought about her, the thought of holding her in my arms and feeling her heartbeat against mine as me made love sends my body into meltdown.was it fate we met was it our destiny that was meant to be? was i just lucky to be in the right place at the right time?. all..

12:40 am Sunday, 18th November, 2012


take the chance while you can

my friend is fit sext loves sex likes black guys will let me join in and watch her being a real slut . dropped her of dripping wet ready to go and meet up with a black guy . wounder had to much and never went bak..

10:42 pm Saturday, 17th November, 2012


Meeting in Republic of Ireland

Any female or couple are up for social gathering in Ireland. No life in Ireland. Lets make some plan and enjoy the last moths of 2012.
Time is running we are still thinking. Why waiting for tomorrow if you can do today. Love to meet horny people , though I am straight but still can meet couples..

9:52 pm Saturday, 17th November, 2012


sexy and in need of big cocks

really horny img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" and need sex now very wet and hard..

1:00 pm Saturday, 17th November, 2012


My aphrodisiac is you.............

I knew, as certain as the sun would rise the next day, that once I took the step I was about to take, my life, my world, would never be the same. Gone would be the days of men playing games, or me teasing guys, stuck between manhood and boydom and no life plan in sight, days of being who I thought..

12:13 pm Saturday, 17th November, 2012


A beautiful way to wake at 4am on a saturday morning......

Across my body as his tongue darts out and flicks first one nipple, then the other, leaving me shivering and holding my breath.

I feel his mouth along my belly, moving toward my legs, currently crossed and rubbing together ever so slightly.

As his tongue darts out against the Y of pussy and thigh..

11:21 am Saturday, 17th November, 2012


Soooooo desperate for cum - I need my own ;-(

I am soooooooo desperate to taste and try more cum that I've had to resort to routinely tasting my own cum!

Whilst it is great (& incredibly horny) that I can both prolong my orgasm AND still have the urge to drink my own spunk - it is NOT the same as feeling it explode in my mouth & gush down my..

12:47 am Saturday, 17th November, 2012


Friday Night play time

Stretched out on the bed the candlelight flickering shadows over my pale, bare skin I push the duvet to one side and throw the pillows to the floor I reach behind and grab the hard pine wood bedstead with one hand. I curve my back and push my bottom into the cool dark cotton sheets I shiver and my..

8:08 pm Friday, 16th November, 2012


has just been fucked senceless by th plumber!!

Today was a non starter from the moment I woke up,slept in for work,went down stairs to find my kitchen flooded....had to wait in on th plumber :(

Waiting in for th plumber I started to get ready for work best salvage what I could from such a rotten shower hair done and make up all ready..

3:33 pm Friday, 16th November, 2012


PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY.......A Tale of sensual desire...

Some believe a photograph steals the soul.

I am on the bed, hands tied to the headboard, belly down, ass up. He tells me to spread my legs wider and I do, burning my knees on the rumpled sheet. There is silence, the heat of his eyes on me, then suddenly the flashes, lightning without thunder,..

1:29 pm Friday, 16th November, 2012


First time anal sex

I've had my first anal experience today! it was just amazing, she was so into it which was an extra turn on and made me wanna do her all night long with her moaning going back and forth on my dick, words really can't explain the feeling, missionary, cowgirl, doggy, spooning, done them all, cowgirl..

8:41 pm Thursday, 15th November, 2012


Fancy Dress Party Fun

So I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a cross between Dracula and some kind of monster. I had a great time and met some lovly women. So what do you think my custome looks like?..

8:36 pm Thursday, 15th November, 2012


Sex with your Ex: once is enough

It's one of those fantasies, isn't it? Let's face it, when your former partner has left your life, they sleep with other people, do things with them they may not have done with you, and you wonder exactly what these things are. Needless to say, they are wondering exactly the same with regards to..

6:59 pm Thursday, 15th November, 2012


web cam fun?? anyone?

Any girls out there up for some web cam fun??img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif" ..

4:31 pm Thursday, 15th November, 2012
