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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

mistylass's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Monday, 27 April 2015 Hi, coming down to Kent during May (dates T.B.A) Anybody interested in meeting up when I'm in transit or in Kent then contact me. Mistyxx

RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

hi im in ashford kent and up for meeting xxx

RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

I'm interested in meeting, in cranbrook

RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

Hi good to hear that there are some people interested in meeting up and yes lets try and meetup. I'll let you know when I'll be down your way later.......Mistyx

RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

u want to meet up with me x

RE:RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

let me know when u hear and where u want meet up and what u want me dressed as manwoman and wearing what and what time from and how long we meet up for xxand doing what together alone or anyone u invited swell xx

RE:RE:RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

Can i meet to in ashford good for me would you wear stockings

RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

In Thanet. I'll meet

RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

In Thanet. I'll meet

RE:RE:RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

please do let me know dates as i will meet

RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

Hi im in Maidstone i will come to you xx

RE:RE:mistylass's Quick Meet

Can you get to Maidstone one evening ?