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Midnight. All is not Well

5:07 am Monday, 4th October, 2021

The 24th hour and all is not that well, but deary me, where are my manners, let me first start off by apologizing for the lack of not being able to see me, but first I must rewind a bit and take you back to the beginning of the events that led up to where I'm at today, or should I say the state that I'm in today. It all started 6 weeks ago, this last Tuesday, when I went to the park and happened upon this stray dog, I offered him a bit of my brunch, and gave him some much lacking thereof, of some attention, not giving a second thought I told the pup, I must be off, and made my way back to work as always, and went back about my work day at the insurance company. It was a normal day not unlike any other work day, glancing up at the clock sometime later and noticing it was already 4p.m going back about my work business, just a short while later I finally finished writing up some insurance papers for Mr. Barker for some Life Insurance Policy's he had stopped by last week for, and had finally put the finishing touches on the Policy's and decided to phone Mr. Barker to inform him that they were ready for him, if he would like to stop in, and read through them to see if there where to his liking, by then it was a quarter after 5, and decided to go and grab my things, and tidy up a bit, turned out the lights, stepped outside the door, and bolted the door behind me, turning around I see the same pup, I had shared my spot of lunch with in the park, and just thought to myself, oh I've seemed to have made a new friend with that spot of lunch I shared with him, looking at the sad faced pup, what's wrong boy, have things been that bad for you, thus far in life, reaching down to pat him on the head, as he looks up at me wagging his tail and giving me favor as I paid him attention. I walked towards my car, opening the drivers door, I look over at the pup, looking sad again, and said come on boy, no sense hanging out here, as he wags his tail and hurriedly ran over jumping up into the front seat of my Desoto, climbing into the drivers seat, and shutting the door behind me, I look down at him, as I say it will be nice to have some company boy, its actually been rather lonely since my wife has passed, and I live in this big old house all to myself. He sits there just flicking his tail back and forth looking up at me panting away, as he is all in favor of that, on the way home I figured it would be pertinent to stop by Pickman's Hardware store and pick up some Alpo canned dog food, so as the pup would have something to eat, plus I could get some nails to fix those creaking floorboards in the library of the house that had been bothering me.

They say a picture says a thousand words, just think what would you do, if you unwittingly bought a house that a previous owner had to make a map of all the booby traps they had laid out just so they could get something in a particular place when they needed it, but only to be done in, by there own creation, and yet when their house was searched top to bottom, to have the words said. We're not for sure if we actually found every booby trap that was set up, only to be an unwitting buyer some years later, unannounced of what transpired years ago, by the previous owner, or its happening. Truth is stranger than fiction, but don't take my word for it. I'm just the messenger, oh and that's right I'm already dead so I cannot tell you all about it, you'll just have to use your own deduction. Signed The Recently Deceased..............All I can say is I will never take in another stray dog, well that was my last time taking in a stray dog, but ah well, hopefully, you will gain something from this fiasco, unfortunately, as for me, nothing could be further from it.......Fin Short and to the point, cause its hard to keeps today's audience captivated long enough and drawn into a good story, especially one you have to wait, weeks, maybe even month's to find out what happens, especially at my own expense. A. Hitchcock.Written for, and if by Alfred Hitchcock was Playing the main Character. Written by Me Dorian Grey

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