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Chapter 3 - the boots

5:51 am Wednesday, 6th January, 2021

I think this is where it all really started. The boots. Apart from 1 incident which we'll deal with first....at the age of about 6, I remember seeing my mum's bra hanging in the wardrobe, and being absolutely fascinated. So much so that when she left the room I couldn't stop myself from going to the wardrobe and fingering the fabric. I could just reach. She came back in and told me off. The thing is, I knew it was naughty and wrong, but an unstoppable urge took hold of me, I think for the very first time. The same urge I get to dress. Anyway...


My mum's boots. A pair of brown leather boots, heeled, nearly knee length (on my mum) well made, worn in and comfy. I must have worn them a hundred times. Those boots were in my life from the age of about 8, Mum always had them. Sometimes, late at night, when all was quiet......my mum had this printer copier thing, before photocopiers, it rolled round and printed invoices for her work. A gestetna, it was called. Crucially, it had this sort of thick leathery cover, it was quite big and solid, and the top was curved. I'd take off my pants and put the boots on, and sort of slither around on it, you know, riding it. This was before I started playing with myself. In those days, I got my jollies from riding on a big leathery thing in high heeled boots.

Honestly, she had those boots up until I was about 16. Stuff was made to last back then. At least twice she tried to throw the boots away, and I sort of rescued them and hid them at the back of the garage. I couldn't bear the thought of those boots going in the bin. As I got older, the boots fitted me better. Sometimes when everyone was out, I'd take off my clothes and put the boots on, and fanny about in front of the mirror. Once or twice I was questioned for leaving the curtains shut afterwards by mistake, and I'd have to try to make summat up. No good at that. Big fan of the truth. But I was careful, really careful, always scared I'd get caught or found out. They're still in the dark about me.

The only instance of my public crossdressing involved the beloved boots, I was about 15. About 2am in the morning, I smuggled the boots out of the house, feeling naughty. I took my jeans off and walked about 50 yards down the road wearing just the boots and my donkey jacket, really scared but totally buzzing. Back then there was no one around at all at that time of night, it wasn't like today. I felt so high, at the time and afterwards, what a thrill. Just coat and boots is one of the sexiest outfits. Another time I pleasured myself in the back garden late at night, wearing just coat and boots again.

Yes, the boots. I'm pretty sure that those boots were the first item of ladies gear that I ever wore, and I loved them. Always had a massive thing for boots, got to have heels or don't bother. For me, dressing up always starts with the footwear.

Love, Stella X

7:00 am Saturday, 9th January, 2021

Mmm it's strappy heels For me but get the boots totally xx

1:22 pm Tuesday, 6th April, 2021

love hearing about stories of first adventures of playing dress up. and the excitement and memories they bring to us. great Stella. x 👠👄

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Local guy pretends to be a woman

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