I only have a single experience of going out in public en femme, and that was in more formal attire. I believe that if I am to embrace my feminine persona, I need to be more accomplished in a much wider range of styles and modes of dress. This belief is also based on my proposition that CD is not the same as TV. With that a CD wants mostly to be in a specific style en femme whereas a TV is more interested in the entire feminine experience.
To that end I have started to look for other outfits in a variety of styles. This early step of the journey has highlighted that, even for a natural female who does not fit the 'accepted' body shape, the choices can be very limited. The options for a developing TV to go en femme is even more difficult.
In the end it will be a test of not only my slowly developing abilities but also my desire to be TV. Another milestone to be achieved on my journey.