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Crazy Ass Mutha Fucka

2:15 pm Sunday, 30th December, 2007

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
A lot of the hoodies round our way are now talking patois. Obviously white is the new black so I'm not getting left behind. I'm down wit ma homies....dig?
I went to the Trafford Centre, East Side Gun City (aka Manchester) and went into JJB Sports. Its an Aladdin's cave of gangsta pimp clothing. I got a Fubu shell suit in lavender velour, a pair of Nike Air Max trainers and a NY baseball cap (they didnt have a North Side Manchester one).
Next stop was Clare's Accessories to load up on jewellery (Bling as my homies call it). Bear in mind as I'm limping through the Trafford Centre (you have to limp cos it looks cool) I have my mp3 player on pumping out Vanilla Ice's greatest hits.
I got a load of gold and ice (ice is gangsta pimp talk for diamonds or cubic zirconia or plastic).
Next stop was McDonalds to get a carton of juice (supersize with a straw). And that's it.....the look is complete. I sold my Corsa 1.2 sxi and got a 4x4. It's not a Hummer but its the next best thing.
Now for the gangsta pimp talk:
Homie = Friend from the hood
Hood = Area where I live short for neighbourhood
Biatch = Partner (Stands3 is ma biatch but I can't call her that directly or I get hit)
Wheels = Car...not just the wheels but all of it
Ice = Diamonds (or things that look like them)
Piece = Gun (as they are illegal just mention you have a piece and people don't diss you)
Caps = Bullets from a gun not real caps that are made of paper and go bang
Diss = Disrespect or be mean to someone
Rollin a fat one = Home made cigarettes either golden virginia or drum tobacco
Juice = Alcohol
Cris = Champagne, Cristal but Asti Spumante or Tesco Cava is cheaper.
Cheese = Money (remember this cos a pocket full of real cheese smells funny)
Shorty = Female even if she's tall
Boo = Girlfriend or wife, not to be shouted loud or people think you're trying to scare them and look at you like you're a tit.
Mack daddy = Pimp or one who is a hit with the biatches
Rollin = driving a car or wheels
Ghetto = Hood or where you live even if you live in Alderley Edge which is posh.
Shit = Cannabis but make sure you only ask for shit from a dealer or it could go wrong
Crib = House not like the one baby Jesus was laid in
Ho = A name for a woman who isn't a biatch or a boo or a shorty
118118 = Information like dialling 411 in the US of A but you dial 118118 in UK. If you dial 411 in the UK you don't get anything.
5-O = Police like in Hawaii 5-O but Jack Lord wasn't really a Dibble
Dibble = Policeman like Officer Dibble off of TopCat
Baby Momma = The mother of your children usually your Biatch or shorty or boo
Tight = Good or impressive.

I'll be back with more when I've hung with ma homies outside the 7-11 (Co-op)

Blog Introduction

try walking a mile in your enemies shoes....at the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him

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