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Thinking about things

10:20 am Saturday, 15th September, 2007

1. You will never make friends by being an arsehole. You will just become accquainted with other arseholes.
2. People like people who make them feel happy. Whining doesn't make anyone feel happy. If you whine too much people will avoid you.
3. Only accept what's from the horses mouth. Alot of donkeys will tell you things but you look much better riding on the back of a horse than a donkey.
4. Things written in text are open to misinterpretation. You cant look someone in the eye when you're reading what they wrote.
5. There are alot of lazy people in the world. Its easier for them to pull you beneath them than to climb above you. If you both pull each other down you both fall off the ladder.
6. Everybody has a history. Its what has shaped them. If you don't know the history it's impossible to know and judge the person.
7. One friend will make you feel better than a hundred enemies.
8. Never forget the feeling you get deep inside when you've helped somebody through a bad time and see them smile again. Its one of the best feelings in the world.
9. When you say hello to someone and they answer with 'fuck off' it's not you who should feel bad. They have the problem.
10. Fate is the mother of all paths. The feet you step on today may be attached to the legs that hold the arse up that you have to kiss tomorrow.

Life is quantifiable and not infinite. You cant go backwards. What you do today shapes your tomorrow.

7:01 pm Monday, 17th September, 2007

Just read your entire blog history. WOW! Am thoroughly entertained, educated and left with lots to think about. Bet you are a fun person to know. Keep it coming. I'll definitely be looking for more of your words of wisdom. Take CareBR

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try walking a mile in your enemies shoes....at the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him

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