So here it is. The all new chat room. Funny isn't it but I logged on this morning and the first thing that went through my mind was 'Wow! Cool!'. Then I couldn't wait to play around with it and figure out how it all worked. Then I noticed people logging in and the first thing they said was 'This is shit!'
Now I know change can affect people in different ways and the inertia of alot of people and resistance to change can be upsetting. Like all new things they can take a bit of getting used to and for those who became very proficient on the old system it might feel like going back to square one.
But lets try change management. Lets look at the positives and see if they out-weigh the negatives. There are some good things to come out of this.
Firstly main chat and video chat are no longer separate. Classic members can now chat to those premium members who only used the webcam chat room. That means more people to get to know and maybe meet with.
Secondly, anyone who has been in chat for a while will see that one of the most posted messages was to the effect of 'Get out of my f*cking box and ask to pm'. That doesn't happen anymore. No more can people pm you and wipe out half your message. Surely thats a good thing judging by the amount of upset it caused before?
No more whispering going astray.
New animated emoticons. A choice of avatars. Different colours to help track other users messages.
Sure there are glitches like the pm glitch but thats being worked out. And classic members cant use video but there has to be some perks for paying.
I asked in chat what people thought and what they thought was wrong with it. Sorry but I dont see 'Its shit' as constructive criticism.
Good luck with it and in time I'm sure everyone will get the hang of it and see it as a good move.
12:48 pm Friday, 3rd August, 2007
Yes, it took me by surprise yesterday and if i'm honest my initial reaction was relatively negative. More than anything because of the breakneck speed at which chat was scrolling past. Given that i type with hooves, i hadn't a chance of keeping up... their immense credit the tech people resonsible for it's development shouldered the collective opprobrium of the chatroom and got on with ironing out the wrinkles. brbrAs it stands now, there are of course the couple of problems that Don commented on above which will be sorted out, but in essence i think the new format is a great improvement. brbrI especially like the fact that i can enter the chatroom now without being swamped by unsolicited PM's and whilst i was never one to vilify the unwanted PM'ers in the main chatroom, it was still a bit of a nuisance at times. It should also, in one fell swoop do away with the constant cutting and pasting of unsolicited PM's in main, and the concomitant harpy-like screeching which, while it filled the screen, could never be accused of being either chat or interesting. I also felt [ rightly or wrongly ] that this habit propagated a culture of vituperation that seemed the very antithesis of chat.brbrThe new format looks loads better, its lay out, its colours....all an improvement on the pedestrian blues and greys of the old chat. brbrGive it a week and we'll all be utilising its functions like old hands and we'll have probably forgotten what it was we ever liked about the old chat facility. brbrThe site admin have patently been listening to peoples complaints and have gone to considerable lengths to address them, and for that they ought to be commended, not castigated. br brbrbrbrbrbr |
try walking a mile in your enemies the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him