Went on cam this morning and asked everyone to tell me how old they think I am, referring to my most recent blog.
The results:
30 something, mid 30s,35,36,38,38, late 30s to early 40s, 40, 40, 42, 44.
If I knew enough about statistics, I'd have already finished my master's degree, so I'll leave you to figure out the mean, mode, median, and all other vital info.
A third guessed at least 10 years younger, a third guessed within 6 years, and all were under. :)
I think I'll go flirt with the boys from work some more.
5:50 pm Thursday, 21st November, 2013
Oh I see - wait till I go to work....
6:04 pm Thursday, 21st November, 2013
As I said....if I understood SD et al, I'd be Master EG by now (care to explain it to me????)......and Ronald, if you want to give me your opinion, let me know :) |
9:22 pm Thursday, 21st November, 2013
I am totally unsurprised at the results of your survey EG. I worked the mean to be around 25, but my maths isnt very good. I felt inspired by your blog to replicate the exercise, results were as follows; |