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How did you blossom?

11:54 am Friday, 25th October, 2013

Have you always been a sexual extrovert? Or did it creep up on you with age?

A few months ago, I chatted with a man for a about half an hour, then out of the blue decided to meet at a nearby pub that night. What the heck? How did I get to this point?

I was a shy kid. And I mean SHY. I spoke with my immediate family and a few close friends. Conversations with my favorite aunt or best friend's mother, whom I had known all my life, left me stammering.

Somewhere in my late teens/early twenties, I decided that being shy would never get me any fun, so I worked hard to escape the "blush when anyone looks at you" thing.

Confidence was fleeting, however, as I met and married. Gone were the days when I could look at a man or talk to a stranger without reprimands. I've broken free of that, at last. I still have trouble meeting a look full in the eyes, but no one I've chatted with or met will believe I have a shy past.

So where did this woman, who is confident enough to meet a stranger for drinks at 9 PM on a Tuesday night, come from? I still am not sure.

But I'm loving it.

1:20 pm Friday, 25th October, 2013

Good for you EG.
Ronald, shy guys get laid too ;-)

I think how you were brought up has a huge impact on your confidence. I wouldn't say I was shy as a child, maybe 'quietly confident'. In a room full of people, I was always quite happy to sit and watch and to some extent I still enjoy quietly watching the dynamics of company.

I was lucky. I had the benefit of a really naughty and smart grandparent. She taught me everything I know about how to behave in company and more importantly, when not to ...

4:11 pm Friday, 25th October, 2013

Ronald, Ronald, Ronald .... you are most certainly NOT shy. The message you sent to me earlier didn't leave much to the imagination. I bet you hadn't had a pint either ;-)

Quiet ones are always the worst ...

5:50 pm Saturday, 26th October, 2013

luv2, I totally agree, Ronald is NOT!!!...a shyboy, lol.... tut tut Ronald, ( or shall I say Luther) ;) lol.... put that modesty away,lol....

6:21 pm Saturday, 26th October, 2013

FA, I've always suspected this about you.

How does someone so shy project an image of "I couldn't give a fuck?" I've really always wanted to know, as I've never reached that point.

6:43 pm Saturday, 26th October, 2013

Ronald, now I feel left out, you have never contacted ME.

8:03 pm Saturday, 26th October, 2013

Hmm ... I always found the Tasmanian Devil to be an interesting character.

8:29 am Sunday, 27th October, 2013

I heard Lola Bunny beat him regularly.

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