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SunShineGirllUK blog

8:17 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014

I was listening to the radio in my office at work the other day after i escaped yet another boring meeting. A Pink song called "Walk Of Shame" was playing and it started me thinking.....

How many..


7:16 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

I have no option but to make a Worldwide Public Appeal, as i have lost something of great importance and value

Alas this priceless item still remains unfound,even though i have searched up & down..


5:51 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

As the years pass there is one question i have asked myself over and over again (not out loud,inside my head...Jeezo i'm not crazy you know lol) But lately well meaning familyfriends have also asked..


12:55 pm Sunday, 18th May, 2014

We tap out our conversation, parting with more & more snippets of info about our real self our life outside the confines of the Hub. Do you start to build a mental image of the person behind the..


7:43 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014

After recent events in my life (or maybe i am just accepting that i'm nearing middle age) I have come to realise that not only are some of the old sayings the best,some are also very true.

Ones you..


8:41 pm Wednesday, 19th February, 2014

So not all women are lucky enough to reach orgasmic heighs, while
others have no such problems.Then some of us have the capability to
enjoy multiple orgasms, gushing and squirting their juices..


12:02 am Sunday, 9th December, 2012

I stumbled onto someone's blog by accidet,
left a few comments.
Then i received a mail from a regular Blogger to offer me a warm welcome to the Blog-osphere. Felt i should repay the welcome.

Blog Introduction

Kiss my mind and my body may follow.

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