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RossBond's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 19.07.2014, 20.07.2014, Party Sat July 19th 7:00pm, meet outside Cine World Cinemas opposite the Travel Lodge on Hills Road near Tesco express; Bring a Bottle and some Food.


I'll be upgrading to VIP 1 Month later this week on Tuesday


Women only party, so if any of you ladies are interested in a good night this Saturday the 19 of July then bring along some Food and Drink and let's have a good Sexy and sociable friendly time together. Meet outside Cine World Cinemas and the bowling alley on a Bench opposite the Travel Lodge and Sainsbury's. img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"


Hope Ladies are able to make it in Cambridge as I'm doing the Bike Ride for Charity from London to Cambridge on the 27th of July for Breast Cancer, and I haven't had the touch of a Good Woman for Months now. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms. img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

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Event cancelled

Event cancelled