8:10 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014
Date start: 12.07.2014 Date END: 13.07.2014 hotel booked so come and meet for some sexy cd dressing up fun,all welcome xx. |
11:40 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014
RE:dressing up funHi, I will try and attend it should be great fun. Unfortunately cannot say for certain due to previous engagement. If I can get out of it I will. Is it just dressing or will it be more outrageous? I hope so the more who attend the better the imagination. Is the hotel in Norwich since I would like to attend already dressed. Please let me know the location, and I will confirm my attendance as soon as possible. Magdellana xx |
9:55 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014
hi therehi there i would ove to atend on sat nightxxxxx |
1:09 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014
RE:dressing up funWhich hotel sweety xxx I need address n post code xx |
10:41 am Saturday, 12th July, 2014
Event cancelledEvent cancelled |