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cookii's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 13.06.2014, 14.06.2014, We would love to hear from you if you're interested in meeting us x

RE:cookii's Quick Meet

Hey, I'm interested in your event ;) I'm in Portsmouth this weekend. I have my own flat (which is a little pokey) or I'm willing to travel.
Sadie x

Hi Sadie

I am local to Portsmouth if you feel like meeting this week?

i would like meet

hi there,

my name is hadi as u can see who I am by my pics. I would like to meet u on the 14th as u said, but will have to travel from London though which is fine with me. Jst want to knw if u guys are up for it.


RE:cookii's Quick Meet

Hi, I am free tonight if you are still looking..