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a message for ***ukbicouple****

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...and this also relates to Premium etc, before being booted! hehe

I was a member of this site a long time ago, before the *rates* etc came in, so Im having a peek before parting with cash..is that ok?
now then...I tried to contact *ukbicoule* though thier settings are to recieve premium members (members!! ooo err) only.. this I hope to rectify, as Im a lowly pleb at the moment...

I was having a scan of profiles immediately after rekoining the site... and fell upon yours.!!

you seem to like and enjoy the very things that I myself want to be a part of...
if you would consider this single late thirties male... he'd make a very good effort to try to fit your criteria.
kinky.. whatever...lets have a chat..please

and also regarding Premium etc... do you consier it an advantage to pay and display (as it were) baring in mind that Im cumming at it from the angle of a single male?


any other advise from the forum members would be welcome..
cheers all

and have fun!


(aside: anyone remember *touch* from the old days?.. for 'tis I..hello!)