10:20 am Monday, 19th May, 2014
So, on our Big Swinger Survey, we asked our members where the most of their swinging takes place. Approximately 40% answered that they usually swing in someone else's home, 20% host a swing themselves,9% take it to a swinging club and then the last 31% book hotels for their group rendezvous'.
11:49 am Monday, 19th May, 2014
hey thereI like to swing to my place but in sufficient time coz i have a family... Or els i can swing to someone's place which ever is better...img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" |
12:14 am Thursday, 22nd May, 2014
I like thatimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" |
4:59 pm Sunday, 25th May, 2014
heynobody else on here interested in swings parties? |