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Site News: Lusty Limericks

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Yesterday was National Limerick Day did you know? We've got a couple of naughty little rhymes in honour of this Irish-inspired holiday for you today!

There once was a man from Leeds,
Who swallowed a packet of seeds,
Within half an hour
His cock was a flower
And his balls were covered in weeds.

There once was a woman from Wheeling
Who one day had a funny feeling
So she laid on her back
Tickled her crack
And squirted all over the ceiling!

Like these, have your own? Share them!

Chaz x

RE:Site News: Lusty Limericks

There was a young girl from Bagoda,
Who bulit an erotic Pagoda,
the walls of its halls
were festooned with the balls
and the tools of the fools who bestrode her!!

There was a young girl from Aberystwyth,
Who took corn to the mill to get grist with,
the miller's son Jack,
laid her flat on her back,
and united the organs they pissed with!

RE:RE:Site News: Lusty Limericks

Haha brill!

There once was a security guard
Who had some troubles keeping it hard
He jerked it off nightly
And squeezed it very tightly
Whilst looking at his identification card.

Chaz x

RE:RE:RE:Site News: Lusty Limericks

There was a young plumber from Leigh,
Who was plumbing a maid by the sea,
said the maid "cease your plumbing,
I think someone's coming"
said the plumber still plumbing "it's me".