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Site News: How To Have Red-Hot Sex Without Barely Trying

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A really easy way of hugely improving how sex feels is kegal exercise.

Kegal exercise is thought of as being exclusively for women, however men can also reap the benefits of these handy and easy little muscle strengthening techniques. It can massively help improve your sex and is so simple to do, when you start seeing the benefits you'll wonder why you didn't try it sooner!

To find your PC muscles, stop your urine flow mid-pee, those muscles you can feel are the muscles you need to strengthen. (This applies to both men and women).

Get comfy (most people prefer to sit down for this) and tighten your PC muscles, hold them for a count of 10 and relax for a count of 10. Perform 10 of these reps 4-5 times a day and just watch how much better sex feels after a few weeks.

PC muscles are no different from any other muscle, if you work them out, they get stronger. So get your genitals fighting fit and ready for some action.

Have you tried kegal exercise yourself or have any extra tips you can give?

Chaz x

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