4:01 pm Sunday, 13th April, 2014
Event dates: 14.04.2014, 15.04.2014, Hi all will be in Travelodge Heml Heampsted 14th and 15th then oxford 16th and 17th
8:56 am Monday, 14th April, 2014
RE:Susanjones's Quick MeetHi would like to come x |
9:56 am Monday, 14th April, 2014
HiWhat time you start |
4:45 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
RE:Susanjones's Quick MeetHi would very much like to meet in oxford! X |
6:41 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
RE:RE:Susanjones's Quick MeetHi all |
8:03 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
RE:RE:RE:Susanjones's Quick MeetWhat time wednesday? X |
5:02 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
You meeting people tonightHi slim, 37, good looks would love to meet tonight. |
6:47 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
meetingGot a date for tonight if he is no show will be free from 9pm will be in chat room tvs |