4:05 pm Saturday, 4th January, 2014
Event dates: 05.01.2014, tomorrow evening we are plan to meet cpl . if any interested send msg me |
6:58 pm Saturday, 4th January, 2014
I can comeHi all I can come.... |
8:05 am Sunday, 5th January, 2014
RE:riteshthakare's Quick MeetPpl don't read, u have asked for cpl and all singles are ready to come .......lol |
10:30 am Sunday, 5th January, 2014
RE:riteshthakare's Quick MeetI am ready to come today. Send me the details where are we meeting today. |
3:32 am Monday, 6th January, 2014
RE:riteshthakare's Quick Meetwhat about tuesday meet? |
3:51 am Monday, 6th January, 2014
RE:RE:riteshthakare's Quick Meetlets meet now if you want |