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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

getstarted2012's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 27.11.2013, 28.11.2013, 29.11.2013, 30.11.2013, 01.12.2013, 02.12.2013, 03.12.2013, 04.12.2013, 05.12.2013, 06.12.2013, 07.12.2013, 08.12.2013, 09.12.2013, 10.12.2013, loads of fun only $ no strings attached do reply wid ur cntct info, surely'll get back to u. own flat, very safe & comfy in Pune. S guaranteed!

RE:getstarted2012's Quick Meet

hii is it free & is it open for sngl male too..


sure when to catch up? ur number?