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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

eroticgohan's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 20.11.2013, 22.11.2013, 23.11.2013, Any women out there who justs wants casual guilt free sex!!!

I will even throw in an erotic sensuous massage..blind folded...yeahh.

RE:eroticgohan's Quick Meet

Event dates: 20.11.2013, 22.11.2013, 23.11.2013, Any women out there who justs wants casual guilt free sex!!!

I will even throw in an erotic sensuous massage..blind folded...yeahh.

My boat is setting off from Causeway Bay pier tonite at 7pm. We have plenty of water sports at the ready.

RE:RE:eroticgohan's Quick Meet

i will b there. lemme know address