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Home > Forums > Clubs & Venues (The Social Scene)

Hotel party

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Date start: 15.01.2014 Date END: 15.01.2014 Having another select hotel party and look for couples , single ladies and very select single guys to join us , if interested SEND MESSAGE and have a photograph available .
If you wish to see what we get up to check our guestbook .
Happy Swinging - Pete & Dee xx

RE:Hotel party

iam young fit guy from india
if intrsted kindly revert me back.

RE:Hotel party

Hi would like to attend if poss let me know ximg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:RE:Hotel party

Sorry looking for locals only .
Pete & Dee

RE:Hotel party

Love to meet you xxx


was fun, a pleasure to repeat, erotic experience


Look forward to seeing you again , will be in touch . xx

RE:Hotel party

Definately interested. Any idea when and where?x

hotel party

Hi Pete & Dee...glad to hear you are visiting my part of the world..would love to meet you (and others),if I fit your criteria for a single guy? Have looked at your profile many times and your reviews are always so positive, you must be a great couple. Let me know..??

more info

could you tell us more info like what hotel, is it private area etc xx


a pleasure to see again.
be fun
img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

Hotel Party

Hi all, I would love to participate in such xxx party