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WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 23.11.2013, 24.11.2013, 25.11.2013, 26.11.2013, Sexy couple staying in Hotel in Manila this Nov 23rd for a few days. If your a sexy mixed couple lets meet for a few drinks and have some fun..


HI, pls send message to our profile if afterlunch is possible for monday

RE:WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

We will be there as well...please send us more information...we will be there thru the 26th.
We would love to meet everyone?

RE:RE:WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

sorry did not noticed mixed couple only.


We are going to be there soon...we would like more information.
Can you send us a message?

RE:RE:WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

Pls send us your YM...tnximg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

RE:WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

We are interested. What are the details?

RE:RE:RE:WetnSlippery's Quick Meet

Sorry, but what is YM?


YM is yahoo messenger id. We can talk on there, or if you don't have a ym, pls send us a message with your cp #. Hope to hear from you. Thanks


I am available now


Sorry, please contact us in 1 hour.