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Mundane and inoffensive tea pots

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Vacuumed. Cleared up cat poo. Contemplated tea.

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Mundane and inoffensive tea pots

I take it on this thread I'm finally allowed to refer to Bulls, Masters and Doms in a jocular, facetious fashion, and to mention the acronym "BMI" (?)
If I'm mistaken, tell me quick and I'll put a bit of sticky tape over my gob.

RE:Mundane and inoffensive tea pots

Possibly. I just hope we're allowed to talk about tinsel wrapped willies as well...

Fed the fish

Just fed the fish, it doesn't get anymore exciting, other than checking out Lillith new pics img src="imagesadultemoticons005.gif"


I had oats so simple blueberry flavour for lunch. RockNroll.

Were the fish grateful, Admin?


they said so Lillith. And they say drugs are bad for you img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

Bad Fishies

Drugs are silly.

But did the magic fish say anything about gin, baileys or Malibu?

I hand feed my Nan's fish. The all line up around the pond when they see me. You have to sing to them. Either "my fish food brings all the boys to the pond" or "boys boys boys, I'm looking for some fat boys (name of largest fish), boys boys boys, get ready for my grub"

They nibble at my fingers and wind around me like bloody puppies. I'm not just mad animal woman. I'm fish woman as well :-

You know Brenda Fricker in HomeAlone2?
That's me, that is.

Swim with the fish

I don't sing to them but I've had a swim with them - with shorts on lol..

These are Spanish fish, so its gin for them, although my preference is vodka

Never seen Home Alone2 the first one with that annoying little shit was more than enough for me img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"


I now fancy some Ben & Jerry's phish phood. Nom.