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Babybluex's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 04.11.2013, 05.11.2013, 10.11.2013, 11.11.2013, 12.11.2013, 13.11.2013, 14.11.2013, 15.11.2013, 16.11.2013, 17.11.2013, I need a lady to surprise a good friend of mine. It's always been his fantasy to have a three someone, so for his birthday I want to make it happen,

RE:Babybluex's Quick Meet

Event dates: 04.11.2013, 05.11.2013, 10.11.2013, 11.11.2013, 12.11.2013, 13.11.2013, 14.11.2013, 15.11.2013, 16.11.2013, 17.11.2013, I need a lady to surprise a good friend of mine. It's always been his fantasy to have a ****want to make it happen,

wud love to meet u instead xx

RE:RE:Babybluex's Quick Meet

I want to make me an u happen x