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Home > Forums > Dogging (Fetishes and Other)

doggers in Rugby need new venue

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I have recently been Dogging in Rugby Near the cock robin island any rugby cples will know where i mean but seems to be dieing a death i have a very open minded partner who enjoys dogging with me she is 23 and loves to have fun we are not a couple but enjoy each others company and like to explore our sexual sides is there any other places in or near rugby we can be invited to we are standard members cant afford to upgrade yet but will shortly we would like to recieve an invite with time and location day time is good but are new and keen so not that important. we will respect your boundaries but are new and apologise if we do something wrong.

Re: doggers in Rugby need new venue

I don't know any areas around Rugby, byt if your willing to travel south you could try Burton Dasset Hills.

If you do let me know and we could meet up.
