2:18 pm Friday, 18th November, 2005
hi there all is there any partys or any couplessingle females llike to meet up next week {19th nov on} for some fun and games in the day time if so drop us a linetele no so come and get itimg src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif" |
12:46 am Thursday, 17th November, 2005
any dogging or partys in aberdeenshireId be up for that if we could get some ladies involved obviously....lets see if we could set something up....