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LickyTongue4You's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 26.06.2013, 27.06.2013, 02.07.2013, 03.07.2013, 04.07.2013, 09.07.2013, Informal meet for drink & chat, maybe more, no pressure & I willingly accept that No means No.

RE:LickyTongue4You's Quick Meet

I would love to meet up but I am way over here in Canada planning trip to Europe in a couple of months maybe then.

connieimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:RE:LickyTongue4You's Quick Meet

Sure, please keep in touch.

safe travels! Rimg src="imagesadultemoticons027.gif"

RE:RE:RE:LickyTongue4You's Quick Meet

where do u live over there.

RE:RE:RE:RE:LickyTongue4You's Quick Meet

A town called Basingstoke in Hampshire, it's about 40 miles south west of London. Where are you thinking of staying in the UK?