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How do people do it?

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So I've been looking around and saw a lot of things about people letting others have sex and stuff with their spouse and I'm thinking WHAT?! I'm shocked, confused, curious, everything about this.

I'd never let another guy touch my girlfriend, I love her and she's mine not anyone elses

I mean, what if that guy satisfied her more than you ever could? what if she preferred other guys to you? and above all, WHY are you comfortable with it?

To me you don't love your spouse if you let them have sex with others and I've seen posts about watching their spouse have sex and I find that disgusting if I was to be in that position I'd end up killing the other person as soon as he tried to take my girlfriend's clothes off

RE:How do people do it?

How long have you been with your girlfriend and how old are you? I think age has a lot to do with it, young men would naturally be more jealous, you will find the majority of couples doing this are 30+ They are more confident, usually married and trust their spouse 100%. usually its about spicing up a sex life that has gone stale... or just adding a bit of excitement to an already decent sex life.. its not about not loving the other person at all... some would get satisfaction from seeing their partner feeling pleasure from another...its not for everyone though of course.

RE:RE:How do people do it?

I cant understand how many young people are on this site. 18 to thirtys havent even had time to build up a relationship never mind joining the swinging scene. I have seen 18 and 20 year olds saying we are in a happy marrage they dont know what they are talking about. And before someone comes back at me and says you dont know what you are talking about as you are divorced. Yes I am after 25 years and then a very good relationship of 12 I think I can have an opinion.

RE:RE:How do people do it?

So Heymck....you are 20yrs old and you joined this swinging site to talk to people and try to get an understanding of why people swing?.....no other reason? ? Hmmm

RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

I'm 19 and have been with my girlfriend for a year and about 3 months but it's a very serious relationship (I'm not going into why). I can understand people want to spice up their sex lives and I can understand threesomes but watching your husbandwife have sex? don't understand that, imagine walking in on them cheating on you? it's the same feeling to me

I'm mostly here to get advice and tips because me and my girlfriend like exploring, we try loads of stuff all the time and were even thinking of going on cam in the chat rooms but I don't think that's allowed.

Also at the guy who mentioned couples 18-20 married that's crazy and they're stupid for jumping into something like that so quick, me and my girlfriend have only mentioned marriage and even then we've made it clear that if we did get married it'd be in 10+ years.

Thanks for the replies

RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

You're young , when I was 19 the thought would not have even crossed my mind about swinging etc. I have been married nearly 8 years and we have been together for 10 so we are pretty comfortable with each other, we have everything we want in life... When you have everything you want things tend to get a bit boring (not in a bad way) but days become very routine , sex becomes routine and sometimes you just need a little something extra to add a bit of excitement into your life. At 19 I don't expect you to understand or even contemplate swinging with your girlfriend, and having not been together for long I'd advise you to just go off and enjoy each other for a bit longer, I think you are in the wrong place because most people here are here with the intention to swing, or meet sexual partners... I don't think this is what you are looking for?
Shy hawk I don't think it matters how old you are or how long you have been married, if you love each other and trust each other I would say that's the perfect recipie for starting something such as swapping partners .. Im 28 but think I am mature beyond my years probably because my husband is 10 years older...
Everyone has a choice, either you want to do it, or you don't, it's not for the faint hearted... And is all about your level of trust.

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

You're young , when I was 19 the thought would not have even crossed my mind about swinging etc. I have been married nearly 8 years and we have been together for 10 so we are pretty comfortable with each other, we have everything we want in life... When you have everything you want things tend to get a bit boring (not in a bad way) but days become very routine , sex becomes routine and sometimes you just need a little something extra to add a bit of excitement into your life. At 19 I don't expect you to understand or even contemplate swinging with your girlfriend, and having not been together for long I'd advise you to just go off and enjoy each other for a bit longer, I think you are in the wrong place because most people here are here with the intention to swing, or meet sexual partners... I don't think this is what you are looking for? Shy hawk I don't think it matters how old you are or how long you have been married, if you love each other and trust each other I would say that's the perfect recipie for starting something such as swapping partners .. Im 28 but think I am mature beyond my years probably because my husband is 10 years older... Everyone has a choice, either you want to do it, or you don't, it's not for the faint hearted... And is all about your level of trust.

How did it actually get brought up between you and your partner? I can't imagine any couple being comfortable enough to discuss swinging for the first time

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

it was him that bought it up as a fantasy, he wanted to see me with another man.... We were on holiday , probably a bit tipsy and he just blurted out his fantasy to me while in bed.... I was against it at first.... Wasn't interested and had the same thoughts as you... ( that he was suggesting it because he didn't love me).... It was a touchy subject for along time, and it took me about a year and half to actually come round to the idea... And it also took a lot of persuading and comforting on his part. ... We still haven't done anything about the fantasy yet but hopefully soon.
I went from ' omg he doesn't love fancy me any more' to ' what the hell we only live once and were a long time dead' lol. X

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

it was him that bought it up as a fantasy, he wanted to see me with another man.... We were on holiday , probably a bit tipsy and he just blurted out his fantasy to me while in bed.... I was against it at first.... Wasn't interested and had the same thoughts as you... ( that he was suggesting it because he didn't love me).... It was a touchy subject for along time, and it took me about a year and half to actually come round to the idea... And it also took a lot of persuading and comforting on his part. ... We still haven't done anything about the fantasy yet but hopefully soon. I went from ' omg he doesn't love fancy me any more' to ' what the hell we only live once and were a long time dead' lol. X

I think I'm kinda starting to understand, I guess even if I did want to, my girlfriend wouldn't do it because I was her first (and only atm).

This could tie into one of the other thoughts I have. Things like bondage, pain, biting, scratching etc all REALLY turn me off I mean there's been times where I'm having great sex then their nails are digging into my back and I have to stop because not only does it hurt, it's just the complete opposite of a turn on but I kinda see now that some people like it and they're into their own things

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

Each to their own I say... If everyone liked the same things,,, it would be very very boring, Learn from each other what turns you both ON and go from there..
I'm sure you will be doing things in 10 years time that you didn't even think were possible right now .... X

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

Maybe lol well recently we've been using ice cream when giving oral it's really good if you haven't tried it I really recommend it, but as I said atm we're here for tips and advice I mean internet searches are decent but they're nothing compared to real experience of people :)

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

im sure there are pleanty of people on here who are willing to give you advice... maybe try reading some experiences in the blog section....haven't used ice cream bit sticky lol but have used ice so same thing I guess. x

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:How do people do it?

Well thanks for the replies will check out the blog section see if there's any "first time trying this" kinda things