2:44 am Sunday, 16th June, 2013
Event dates: 16.06.2013, 17.06.2013, 18.06.2013, 19.06.2013, 20.06.2013, 21.06.2013, 22.06.2013, 23.06.2013, 24.06.2013, 25.06.2013, 26.06.2013, 27.06.2013, 28.06.2013, 29.06.2013, 30.06.2013, Dear Couples from Islamabad let us arrange a sex party anywhere in islamabad. Send us a message to decide the location. |
10:10 am Sunday, 16th June, 2013
SuggestionI think it'd be a great initiative if we can get all decent couples together for a get together. I'd suggest once you have a list of all who are interested, send invites only to the ones who seem educated, decent, trustworthy & respectable, rather than having all sorts of people which may deter the decent ones from attending. Secondly, for starters, don't make it a sex party. Let everyone come and enjoy without reservations & obligations and let em go with the flow. |
12:09 pm Sunday, 16th June, 2013
RE:SuggestionGood idea . What about just a meet and greet thing , let people just feel the flow and also weed out the not suitable ones . Lets set a date and place can be agreed upon |
1:48 pm Sunday, 16th June, 2013
RE:RE:Suggestionya absolutely right. Well the final place is to be decided by us all. If u have a place to suggest than send through PMMail so that we may c which place will be the best. and the party will only be a get together so that all the couples may have introduction there and then they will be able to decide about next steps. Remember it will be a get together only. No sex party. So interested couples send the suggestions to our inbox. We also have some place in mind but looking for the best idea which Clicks. |
1:51 pm Sunday, 16th June, 2013
RE:RE:RE:SuggestionWell the place is to be decided by understanding of all decent couples from IslamabadRwp. |
2:24 pm Sunday, 16th June, 2013
Further MoreGood suggestion Zarlasht. Well to make sure that real educated couples take part in the this event. We shall examine every participant before sending the invitation. The invitation will be send only after 100% confirmation. |
3:22 pm Sunday, 16th June, 2013
PlaceWe'd suggest either a cafe' or a secure home. Any suggestions? |
6:34 am Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:PlaceCafe should be nice |
9:58 am Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:RE:RE:RE:SuggestionDinnerBARBQ arrangement would be better to just for light chit chat. instead of anyone's house some good restaurent will be more convienant to those who may be not feel easy to enter the personal place at very first meeting. |
11:23 am Monday, 17th June, 2013
PlaceBBQ is a nice suggestion by FDK27, though in restaurants you are bound with talking to whoever is seated close by only. So BBQ at an open space where one can walk around & mingle freely with others is preferable. For that a house with a big courtyard is ideal & secure as well, as I'm sure everyone will feel at ease once the initial introductions are through. I'd also suggest the get together be couples only as no one would like to bring their female counterpart to a place with too many Hyenas around :-) |
12:49 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:PlaceGood suggestions dear! so a Bar B Q at a courtyard or open place where there is no rush will be suitable. Ok dear couples all the couples requested to verify that they are couples the time and place will be send to there inboxes. so contact us to confirm that u r a couple so that we could send the place and time to your inbox. |
4:13 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:RE:PlaceDear couples! We have decided to choose a farm house for this gathering. Any suggestions about a farm house?? or any couple having farm house send a message. |
4:20 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:RE:RE:Placewe own a farm house |
5:38 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
FarmhouseGood to see it's all coming together now. Like they say, 'Where there's a Will, there's a Way' :-p |
10:06 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
get togetherdear couples, |
11:53 pm Monday, 17th June, 2013
RE:get togetherhmmmm seems intresting .we also suggest a farm house |
3:53 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
hiyes we also suggest some open place or farm house and ddq party what a great idea |
8:03 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
HiWell good to see some fun loving people getting together. Wish had a partner to be part of this event...... |
8:26 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
RE:HiDear couples! its now time suggest the day and time for this party. so that we could gather there. |
8:58 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
RE:RE:HiGreat to see that people here listen eachother suggestions and base their future planning with mutual understanding.. thats what the first basic step towards a good relationship... you people will definitly enjoy your gathering... I am single so i may not be allowed.. :P |
10:12 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
Date & TimeWell unfortunately we are out of town & will be back around the first week of July so don't let us hold you back if you all decide on a date earlier than that. But to assist: |
10:16 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
RE:decentcouple89's Quick Meetwould you like to meet me |
10:31 am Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
RE:Date & TimeHow about Saturday 29, June. Meanwhile, fully endorse Zarlasht's comments,,,the lady's got gray matter |
8:31 pm Tuesday, 18th June, 2013
RE:decentcouple89's Quick Meeti have a plce save place behind faisal mosque my fathers farm house |
6:10 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
^Sunny179Thanks for the offer, but for now we'll all be more comfortable if the GT was hosted at a couple's place. |
7:04 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
Thanx to All couplesDear Couples! We are thank full to all the couples for their suggestions. The selected couples will soon receive the invitations. |
7:43 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
RE:RE:Hiv r a couple and bonafide couple which can be provided anyway u like |
7:49 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
hiit should be during this week as if we extend the time many fakes will join and we believe in it should be married couples only,no gf bf |
10:08 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
Gf BfAgree with you there in principle 'CplIsb', however as much as we also want only married couples, the reason we have not emphasized 'no gfbf' is the practicality of scrutinizing whether a couple is married or gfbf.. unless everyone is required to bring some proof; CNIC, Nikahnama from NADRA or wedding pics etc, it will be hard sorting apples from oranges :-) |
10:27 am Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
Plz put up pics on your profileWe'd request all genuine couples to please put up some seclusive pics of both of you on your profile. We hope you understand this will only make the event more secure & trustable for you if we are better able to scrutinize the fakes from the genuine couples. |
3:23 pm Wednesday, 19th June, 2013
Dear Couples!We agree to 'Zarlasht' and 'cplisb'. So, all the couples are requested upload some of their couple pics otherwise will not be able to receive the invitations. So. All the couples wishing to attend this party are required to upload some of their couple pics which could prove that they are a real couple. |
4:36 am Thursday, 20th June, 2013
6:31 am Thursday, 20th June, 2013
RE:meetingI have got objection, why only 3 should decide about invitese? why cant one couple be asked to confirm whether v r a genuine one or a fake one? They should give us their email addy in confidence and we can confirm our married status but don't degrade us as liars or fraudulent people |
7:04 am Thursday, 20th June, 2013
RE:RE:meetingFor once Zar you have misfired,,,,kiddo how can the so called seclusive pictures vouch for the credibility of a couple...indeed most of the pics loaded by members are not genuine. I for one would not like to post any pic of my wife or me (in any form), simple because I dont find it romantic.
12:44 pm Thursday, 20th June, 2013
GT..... This is Pak. Please dont GT at a private house or farm for the first time. Screen who u want first time round and get rid of people who dont fit in. |
1:49 pm Thursday, 20th June, 2013
Questions addressed to us by serenesaggi13 & imrandserenesaggi13: By 3 couples we never meant that you'll have to prove yourself a couple to each one of them. If any of the three couples has had a webchat with you, they can confirm you are a couple. So, while one couple may not know many others, with three couples there's a better chance one of them will know you & vouch for you. And please get this notion out of your mind that anyone is degrading you, we are only trying to filter the non-genuine ones for your sake, so you guys can have a safe & enjoyable time. We hope you understand. |
2:08 pm Thursday, 20th June, 2013
RE: Suggestion by CplIsbAgreed, a secure Farmhouse should be best, provided one of the couple owns one. As far as verification through 'names', nowhere has anyone suggested that. Everyone can use pseudonym and if they wanna tell their actual names, that's their choice, nobody's asking for it. |
4:26 pm Thursday, 20th June, 2013
higreat idea but we strongly recommend a public place for first time than we can get who is real cpl and who is not |
5:11 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:hiI can arrange Islamabad club for u Zarlasht |
5:22 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:RE:hinot for u but us all |
5:54 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:Lets Go Ahead NowDates are 22june, 23june, 29june or 30june. |
6:21 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:RE:Lets Go Ahead Nowwe will come zarlasht |
6:23 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:Questions addressed to us by serenesaggi13 & imrandZarlasht, you render me speechless. |
7:06 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:RE:Lets Go Ahead Nowplz keep in mind that someone called an informal meeting at marriot hotel at 8 pm few weeks back on this site , we both reached there at NADIA but nobody turned up so beware of fake callsinvitations too |
7:45 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
Imrand, SereneSaggi13 & DecentCouple89Imrand: We can live with a bit of sarcasm if that's the idea :-) However, we believe a lot can be interpreted through a person's writings and from what they put up on their profile. If you didn't believe in that, you wouldn't've changed your profile description for the better too :-) |
8:19 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:Imrand, SereneSaggi13 & DecentCouple89we will wait till ur arrival mates |
8:38 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
hiI don't believe that people turned up and left without meeting, nobody turned up, we were the only couple in sheesha hall café and not a bird flew except we had our feet there so I m sure it was a fake plan. |
11:46 am Friday, 21st June, 2013
RE:hiWell dear serenesaggi13 it is a real call four couples are completely ready. There will be five if u liked to come and if zarlasht were in Islamabad then the party would have been of 6 couples but we'll mis u zarlasht. u will soon receive the invitation with time and place serenesaggi13. So, be there lets make first party with 5 couples. looking forward if some other couples got verified then the number will go upto 8 looking forward for three more couples if they got verified then it will be of 8 couples. It will be fun dear. So be ready. |
9:00 am Saturday, 22nd June, 2013
Thanx to All the couplesNow Heading towards final stages of this event. If you are a real couple and interested to attend this event but have'nt yet received the invitation then please verify your self by arranging a cam chat with either zarlasht, decentcouple89 or cplisb. You have only some hours to verify yourself. |
7:10 am Sunday, 23rd June, 2013
RE:Placeafter reading the various posts how are singles defined as hyenas??? have u ever met one or interacted with one... if you have you cant draw conclusion for every single one of them... no offence to anyone just my two cents |
11:54 am Sunday, 23rd June, 2013
HyenasXPacPc1: Thanks for your 2 cents, here's the change: It's only a metaphor; as how Hyenas scavenge for food but never share their own. Nothing you should personally take to heart as we know you and you are better than that :-) |
4:42 am Monday, 24th June, 2013
RE:HyenasXPacPc1: Thanks for your 2 cents, here's the change: It's only a metaphor; as how Hyenas scavenge for food but never share their own. Nothing you should personally take to heart as we know you and you are better than that :-) |
4:48 am Monday, 24th June, 2013
meetingAny one intrested in a new meet up ? On tuesday the 2nd at 1930 hrs ( 730 pm) . Just make sure you are a cpl, There are no restrictions , no verifications , no naka namas, no ID cards ... It will be a public place and simple to get to . Any one intrested can leave a message here or on our page . |
7:13 am Monday, 24th June, 2013
meetingJuly 2nd is the selected date and 730 ( 1930) hours id the time for those intrested . |
9:57 am Monday, 24th June, 2013
RE:decentcouple89's Quick Meetcan i join?? |
12:06 pm Monday, 24th June, 2013
karachi couples can join u or not??karachi couples can join u or not?? |
1:32 pm Monday, 24th June, 2013
Huma70001 meetingThe end objective by whoever takes the initiative is to get couples talking, so it's great to see you guys stepping it up a notch. Good Luck with that, hope it'll be a great evening. |
3:47 pm Monday, 24th June, 2013
RE:Huma70001 meetingGood dear! We are happy to see that the step taken by us is followed by you as have great time. We will like to share if we got surety that this get together will be decent and no one will misbehave there. And we are taking so much steps for couples sake. We are taking steps for everyone's safety so that everyone in the gathering feel free. If someone else in gathering misbehaves then none of the couples will take step to gather any where else in whole life. So, have a good time and try the event to be sophisticated and make it sure that none of the couples starts talking about the reality of gathering. Cause if any of the couples started quarrelling and told why the gathering is being arranged then all the couples will be embraced. |
5:25 am Wednesday, 26th June, 2013
Dear couplesLooking forward for more couples to be a part of the gathering. |
8:58 am Wednesday, 26th June, 2013
RE:Dear couplesI agree to wot decentcouple89 wrote above, we must be on the cautious side as there might be infiltrators trying to torpedoe our efforts, we should invite only married couples |
10:39 am Wednesday, 26th June, 2013
Security concernsYes I have thought a out that . The two couples who have shown real interest |
9:25 am Friday, 28th June, 2013
RE:decentcouple89's Quick Meetthats good idea,but remember it should be only for couple |
10:13 am Saturday, 29th June, 2013
hellonice and attractive idea.but must be only for couples not a single. |
1:00 pm Saturday, 29th June, 2013
RE:Security concernsYes I have thought a out that . The two couples who have shown real interestAre being contacted on their cell phones .Do check the the SMS on your cell today and tell me what is best ! |
2:26 pm Saturday, 29th June, 2013
RE:RE:Security concernsWe had a break the Ice meet and now 3 cpl are to meet on the 2nd . All are now certified so to say . Any one else wants tocome just send your cell number and I will tell u where and when |
12:15 pm Monday, 1st July, 2013
As it goes in UKLuckily I have experience of joining such get togathers. In UK 90% of get togathers where more couples are invited to join in don't have much success however, where two or three couples meet they have better chances to be dating in future. I must say its not thst easy. Thats y some time cpls would like to take on an interested single lady and single guy for the lady with mutual consent as its more practical. Wishing u all the best. I am currently living in Bahria Town Phase 2 and shame i am single soo cant join in but if any cpl wana meet I am here for next 6 months |
4:04 pm Monday, 1st July, 2013
RE:As it goes in UKDear huma70001 many many Congratulations for your success. Best of luck for second meetup. |
4:52 am Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013
RE:decentcouple89's Quick Meetthanks, for arrange the sex party, |
9:08 pm Friday, 12th July, 2013
RE:RE:RE:Security concernsAny fantacy for threesome??single male? |