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Rude People

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I am a member on a couple of sites but I find that there are so many rude people that do not have the courtesy to answer to mail that is sent to them, I think even a "no thanks" would do, but it just dosn't happen.

Re: Rude People

At the risk of this becoming a stock answer (this is another thread repeating what is already on these boards)........

You are so right - as webmasters it drives us crazy to hear this.

There are sometimes an excuse but to us the only one that is acceptable is if the person receiving your message has specified something in their profile and the message goes against that (ie No single men or No pictures, no reply). It can be said that if you cant be bothered to read the profile then you don't deserve a reply - not absolutely certain personally that it is an excuse but we will respect that line of thought.

This site has an automated "Thanks but No Thanks" button so that there is no excuse for anyone not to respond regardless of how many responses they have had - this site makes sure that a lack of time is not an excuse for rudenessignorance