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Dorking party

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Date start: 20.03.2013 Date END: 21.03.2013 Hotel Party Wed 20th Mar

James and Serena invite our regular friends and interested new comers.

We have a hotel booked,

Starts 8pm for a Pub meet first - we don't like endless hanging around till 2am to see action, if you are coming, and hour of chill and intros at the Pub, and all that want to play back to Hotel by 9 so be prompt.

As usual, Serena will have softs and nibbles, BYOBooze if you want a drink.

If you want to invite bring friends outside the group, thats OK but we want their details for planning purposes, please.

Room contributions are always appreciated. Covers room costs and nibbles soft drinks. If we see a surplus we donate to Sussex Air Ambulance.

Places limited and lots of interest already, so if you want to be with us, get your names on the list. No more single males - guys, we have enough already. If you are guys that have played with us before, ask for a place, but we limit guys to the no of couples, so guys places are on reserve list now.

Hope to see you all.

James and Serena

genuine guy

hi, I'm a genuine guy looking for fun in the SE. Please put me on the shortlist!

Re your meet.

Have read your meet details. Yes I'm a single guy so I appreciate you won't want me for that particular night. However I'm just down the road in Reigate so if you need me just message.

Update on Re Your Meet.

I put my name in the 'may attend' section and will leave it to you decide. If you need me I will turn up.

Dorking Party
