Thebutchersboy WANTED LESSON'S - Looking for an experienced Gay Guy. 01022013 07:18 PM My husband has just come out as Bi, which I am totally cool with BTW, but need him to learn the delicacies of oral and anal sex, and I keep getting distracted with the process and just not equipped … we thought who better to help than a gay guy. We would love a gay man to initiate John in the wonders of man on man and someone generous enough to give me top tips to perfect my ‘pleasure giving techniques’ ! Strictly relaxed, low key evening of giggles and new learning, plenty of drink and perhaps more.
Straight girl (BBW 40 yr old) and Bi Male (recently come out) looking for a fabulously fit gay guy to ease the transition.
If your up for it check out our profile and get in touch.
TVCD need not reply, ideally a sex god so I get some eye candy whilst teaching is in progress……! please send picture with your reply.