8:46 pm Wednesday, 26th September, 2012
Hi all, |
9:30 pm Wednesday, 26th September, 2012
hejjji whona dickimg src="imagesadultemoticons019.gif" |
9:01 am Thursday, 27th September, 2012
HelpfulThat's helpful! |
5:25 am Thursday, 11th October, 2012
contacting poeplewe have had same trouble so we gave them my phone no and made arrangements to meet by phone so far it been good we have met them in café's or hotels mostly. we have found they are all after same as us some play and believe me we have played but set yourself some ground rules you and your hubby agree on if you both like go for it if one of you isn't happy ask to leave to talk about it together that way no ones feelings get hurt & be honest with each other & the person you have just met so get out there and play. |
6:08 am Friday, 12th October, 2012
RE:contacting poepleMany thanks, we are getting there now. We have had our first meeting and are warming up!!! |